The Department of Management Information Systems contributes to preparing, rehabilitating and developing qualified cadres specialized to work in the various fields of information systems. The department offers the bachelor’s and master’s programs in the field of management information systems, by combining the theoretical side with the practical side, which qualifies students to meet the needs of local and Arab labor market.
The Department of Management Information Systems is one of the departments of the College of Business at Amman Arab University, as it seeks to be a tributary of construction for our beloved Jordan and the Arab world, through its basic components of qualified faculty members, staff, students, curricula and laboratories capable of providing academic and training needs in a manner that leads To the optimum excellence in the field of dissemination of science and technology, which will benefit the economy and sustainable development in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan and the Arab world.
Acting Head Department Management Information Systems
The Department of Management Information Systems seeks to build students' scientific capabilities to support the application of technologies in business and technology issues arising from institutions use of information technology, and it covers technological, administrative and strategic issues. It is one of the key factors for the success of public and private businesses.
Therefore, the department seeks to develop the program to prepare graduates who are leaders of the future in the field of management information systems, who have valuable skills in managing enterprise data and how to analyze, rethink, redesign, and even automate business processes. This is to ensure that graduates can efficiently manage corporate IT resources and help them succeed in achieving their goals through the use of best practices in information systems. The specialization is constantly updating its study plan in line with the requirements of the local and Arab market.
In line with scientific and technological developments, giving increasing importance to scientific research to faculty members and students.
Entrepreneurship and excellence in education, academic learning and research in the field of management information systems at the local and regional levels
Preparing scientifically qualified staff supported by knowledge and skills of management information systems and professional ethics to work in all areas of management information systems, to meet the needs of the local and regional community, in accordance with local and international quality criteria.
Management Information Systems Major Bachelor’s Program
Program Mission:
Providing distinguished academic programs in management information systems supported by knowledge, skills and professional ethics through qualified staff capable of keeping pace with local and international standards in accordance with the e-learning inclusion criteria.
Educational Program Objectives:
- Preparing qualified cadres capable of applying the appropriate management concepts and principles of developing and operating information systems.
- Fostering thinking skills, personal skills, concepts of organization, and ethics in the process of developing information systems.
- Promoting students' potential in applying technical concepts in the field of information technology.
- Promoting research potential in enhancing the success of information systems in business organizations.
- Preparing teaching staff capable of keeping pace with technological development in the field of education.
Educational Program Outcomes:
The expected outcomes of this program are preparing graduates competent in:
- Understand modern theoretical and practical knowledge in the field of management information systems and management of information technology projects.
- Explain the role of information systems in solving problems and making decisions.
- Apply the skills of dealing with management information systems.
- Analyzing information systems and maintaining their sustainability.
- Assessment of ethical responsibilities in the field of business management and information systems.
- Develop communication and teamwork skills.
Management Information Systems Major Master’s Program
Program Mission:
Providing distinguished academic programs in management information systems supported by knowledge, skills and professional ethics through qualified staff capable of keeping pace with local and international standards in accordance with the e-learning inclusion criteria.
Educational Program Objectives:
- Preparing qualified cadres capable of applying the appropriate management concepts and principles of developing and operating information systems.
- Fostering thinking skills, personal skills, concepts of organization, and ethics in the process of developing information systems.
- Promoting students' abilities in applying technical concepts in the field of information technology.
- Developing research capabilities in enhancing the success of information systems in business organizations.
- Preparing teaching staff capable of keeping pace with technological development in the field of education.
Educational Program Outcomes:
The expected outcomes of this program are preparing graduates competent in:
- Demonstrating modern knowledge and skills related to management information systems.
- Clarifying information systems in different work environments.
- Conducting scientific research in the areas of management information systems using quantitative and qualitative methods.
- Analyzing of the ethical aspects of community responsibility and the implications of the decisions of the business organization.
- Employing the skills of analysis and critical and creative thinking to solve the problems faced by business organizations.
- Developing information systems in various fields in business organizations.
Mapping of Program Educational Objectives (PEO's) with Students Outcomes (SO's) - Bachelor’s Program
Program Educational Objectives (PEOs)
- Preparing qualified cadres capable of applying the appropriate management concepts and principles of developing and operating information systems.
- Fostering thinking skills, personal skills, concepts of organization, and ethics in the process of developing information systems.
- Promoting students' potential in applying technical concepts in the field of information technology.
- Promoting research potential in enhancing the success of information systems in business organizations.
- Preparing teaching staff capable of keeping pace with technological development in the field of education.
Students Outcomes (SOs)
The expected outcomes of this program are preparing graduates competent in:
- Understand modern theoretical and practical knowledge in the field of management information systems and management of information technology projects.
- Explain the role of information systems in solving problems and making decisions.
- Apply the skills of dealing with management information systems.
- Analyzing information systems and maintaining their sustainability.
- Assessment of ethical responsibilities in the field of business management and information systems.
- Develop communication and teamwork skills.
Mapping between PEOs and SOs:
PEOs | SOs |
1 | 1, 3, 4 |
2 | 5, 6 |
3 | 3, 4 |
4 | 1, 2 |
5 | 1, 6 |
Mapping of Program Educational Objectives (PEO's) with Students Outcomes (SO's) - Master’s Program
Program Educational Objectives (PEOs)
- Preparing qualified cadres capable of applying the appropriate management concepts and principles of developing and operating information systems.
- Fostering thinking skills, personal skills, concepts of organization, and ethics in the process of developing information systems.
- Promoting students' abilities in applying technical concepts in the field of information technology.
- Developing research capabilities in enhancing the success of information systems in business organizations.
- Preparing teaching staff capable of keeping pace with technological development in the field of education.
Students Outcomes (SOs)
The expected outcomes of this program are preparing graduates competent in:
- Demonstrating modern knowledge and skills related to management information systems.
- Clarifying information systems in different work environments.
- Conducting scientific research in the areas of management information systems using quantitative and qualitative methods.
- Analyzing of the ethical aspects of community responsibility and the implications of the decisions of the business organization.
- Employing the skills of analysis and critical and creative thinking to solve the problems faced by business organizations.
- Developing information systems in various fields in business organizations.
Mapping between PEOs and SOs:
PEOs | SOs |
1 | 1, 2 |
2 | 4, 5 |
3 | 2, 6 |
4 | 3, 5 |
5 | 1, 2, 3 |

Major | Credit Hours | Study Plan |
Bachelor's of Management Information Systems | 132 | |
Master's of Management Information Systems | 33 | Plan - thesis Plan - comprehensive |
Master's of Business Information Technologym | 33 | Plan - thesis Plan - comprehensive |
Number | Documentation | Abstract |
1 | Abu Hilal T., Abu Hilal H., Al Shalabi R., and Daqrouq K. (2011). Speaker Verification System Using Discrete Wavelet Transform And Formants Extraction Based On The Correlation Coefficient. Proceeding of International Multiconference of Engineers and Computer Scientists (IMECS 2011) Vol. II. Hong Kong. | |
2 | Alnaqeep. L, Kanaan. R, and Alhaj. S (2011) Supply Chain and Its Impact on Customer Satisfaction: An Exploratory Study of Computer Companies in Jordan. International Conference of Information Technology and e-Services (ICIT es) April 10-12-2011, Sousee, Tunisia. | |
3 | Furizly. E., Kanaan. R., Kanaan. G, and Atieh. K. (2011) Enterprise Integration and E-Government Interoperability Framework Case study "Syria. Chapter submitted for inclusion in the 'Handbook for E-Government in Emerging Economies - Adoption, Continuance Usage, e-Participation and legal frameworks'. IGI Global. | |
4 | El Sheikh. A., Alawneh. R., and Kanaan. R. (2011). Development of Embedded Personal Health Care Record System. Journal of iBusiness. Volume 03, Number 02 PP.178-183. | |
5 | Kanaan. R., Atieh. K., & Aldabbas. O., (2011). Business IT Alignment as Enabler for E-Government Implementation in Syria. 11th European Conference on eGovernment, University of Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenia 16-17 June | |
6 | Mohammad A., Khdour. T., Kanaan. G., Kanaan. R. and Bani-Ahmad S. (2011). Analysis of Existing Access Control Models from Web Services Applications’ Perspective. Journal of Computing, Volume 3, Issue 3. | |
7 | A. Mohammad, G. Kanaan, R. Kanaan, T. Khdour, S. Bani-Ahmad, A. Alarabeyyat (2011). Toward Access Control Model for Web Services Applications. International Journal of Research and Reviews in Computer Science Vol. 2, No. 2, April 2011. | |
8 | Fidler. C, Kanaan. R., & Rogerson S. (2011). Barriers To E-Government Implementation In Jordan: The Role Of Wasta. International Journal of Technology and Human Interaction, Vol.7, Issue. 2 |
Number | Documentation | Abstract |
1 | Najadat, F., Kanaan, R., Kanaan, G., Aldabbas, O., Al-Shalabi R.(2013). Genetic Algorithm Solution of the Knapsack Problem Used in Finding Full Issues in the Holy Quran Based on the Number (19). Computer and Information Science 6(2): 18-30 | |
2 | Alali, H. and Juhana, S. (2013). Virtual Communities of Practice: The role of content quality and technical features to increase Health Care Professionals’ Satisfaction. Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology 54(269-275): (Indexed by SCOPUS) | |
3 | Alali, H. and Juhana, S. (2013). Virtual Communities of Practice Success in Healthcare Sector. Applied Mechanics and Materials 411(950-953). (Indexed by EI Compendex and SCOPUS) | |
4 | Alali, H. and Juhana, S. (2013). Virtual Communities of Practice Success Model to Support Knowledge Sharing Behaviour in Healthcare Sector. Procedia Technology 485-489. (Indexed by Elsevier) | |
5 | Alali, H. and Juhana, S. (2013). Virtual Communities of Practice Success in Healthcare Sector: A Comparative Review. (Accepted) Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology (Indexed by ISI and SCOPUS). | |
6 | Kanaan. R and Kanaan. G (2013). The Failure of E-government in Jordan to Fulfill Potential. International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications, Volume, 4. Issue12. | |
7 | Kanaan. R, Masa’deh. R, and Gharibeh. A. (2013). The Impact Of Knowledge Sharing Enablers On Knowledge Sharing Capability: An Empirical Study On Jordanian Telecommunication Firms. European Scientific Journal, Vol.9, No.22. | |
8 | Ghazi raho, (2013). Real Time Fast Algorithm of 2D DWT Based DS Technology, International Journal of Application or Innovation in Engineering & managementIssue10, Issue10, vol.2, 2013. | |
9 | Kanaan. R, Kanaan. G, Aldabbas. O, and Alfawair. M. (2013). The Impact Of War And Conflicts In Neighbouring Countries On E-Government Implementation: Jordan As A Case Study. The 4th International Scientific Conference of Arab Statisticians, Baghdad, Iraq 20-21 November |
Number | Documentation | Abstract |
1 | Al-Shibly M., Alhawari S. and Alryalat, H. (2014),.Attitudes toward using Social Media Networks (SMN) in Marketing as New Tools, International Business Information Management Association (IBIMA) Conference on Creating Global Competitive Economies: 2020 Vision Planning & Implementation, Rome, Italy, (2013) ISBN: 978-0-9860419-1-4. Indexed by (Thomson , ISI),pp.574-589. | |
2 | Alsmearat K., Al-Ayyoub M., and Al-Shalabi R. (2014). An Extensive Study of the Bag-of- Words Approach to Gender Identification of Arabic Articles. The 11th ACS/IEEE International Conference On Computer Systems And Applications (AICCSA 2014). Doha-Qater. | |
3 | Alali, H.; M. Alweshah and Wishah R. (2014). "Hospital Information Systems Success: Towards an Evaluation Framework." Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences. 8(9), Pp: 45-51 (Indexed by SCOPUS and ISI). | |
4 | Kanaan. R .and Kanaan. G. (2014). An Improved Algorithm for the Extraction of Triliteral Arabic Roots. European Scientific Journal, Vol.10, No.1. | |
5 | Raho, G. (2014). Environmental Pollution :University Campus Case Study, European Scientific Institute Journal ,ESJ,Vol 10 No7 | |
Number | Documentation | Abstract |
1 | Megdadi Y. , Abu Hussien, Aljarrah, M. (2015). “The Effect of Customer's Knowledge on Adopting Brands of Cosmetic Products Based on Jordanian Universities Students Perspectives: Field Study”, Financial and Commercial Research’s Journal, Pour Saied University, 4th Issue, Egypt , Accepted. 2nd Author. | |
2 | Alsmearat K., Shehab M., Al-Ayyoub M., Al-Shalabi R., and Kanaan G. (2015). Emotion Analysis of Arabic Articles and Its Impact on Identifying the Author’s gender. The 12th ACS/IEEE International Conference On Computer Systems And Applications (AICCSA 2015). Marrakech-Morocco. | |
3 | Raho G., Al-Shalabi R., Kanaan G. and Nassar A. (2015). Different Classification Algorithms Based on Arabic Text Classification: Feature Selection Comparative Study. International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications. Vol. 6, No. 2 | |
4 | Khaddam A., Otaby G.(2015) The role of knowledge sharing in crisis management: field study on the Jordan Telecom companies .Jinan University magazine. | |
5 | Alkhaldi, F. and Wraikat M. (2015). Portfolio Management and IT Governance: An Empirical Investigation Using PLS Path Analysis International Journal of Scientific Knowledge Volume 6 Issue 3 (2015) Pp. 01- | |
6 | Kittaneh, K, & Abu-Jaroor, S., (2015). "The Impact of Electronic Documents Management on Performance" , Global Journal of Management and Business Research for publication | |
Number | Documentation | Abstract |
1 | Altaha, A., and Al-Shalabi, R. (2017). The Impact of Management Information Systems on the Enhancement Lean Production in Industrial Companies. Arab Journal of Sciences & Research Publishing. Vol. 1, No. 7. | |
2 | Nuseir, A., Al-Ayyoub, M., Al-Kabi, M., Kanaan, G., and Al-Shalabi, R. (2017). Improved Hierarchical Classifiers for Multi-Way Sentiment Analysis. The International Arab Journal of Information Technology (IAJIT) | |
3 | Al-Rawashdeh, M., Al-Shalabi, R. (2017). The Impact of Management Information Systems on the Enhancement of Transparency in Jordanian Ministry of Youth. Amman Arab University Research Journal. Vol. 1, No. 1. | |
4 | Al-Shalabi R., Kanaan, G., Al-Sarhan, H., Drabsh A., & Al-Husban I. (2017). Evaluating Machine Translations From Arabic Into English And Vice Versa”. 3rd International Conference on Engineering, Management, Technology and Science 2017 (ICEMTS). Dubi. | |
5 | H Alali, R Wishah, S Alali, A Al-Sukkar, A Abu-Hussien (2016), E-Marketplace legal and regulatory framework in jordan: A general view, Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology 85 (2), 221 (indexed in Scopus) | |
6 | H Alali, (2016), Online Healthcare Communities of Practice: Identifying the Critical Success Factors, International Journal of Computers in Clinical Practice (IJCCP) 1 (1), 1-14 (IGI) | |
7 | H Alali, J Salim, Y Zwayda, SMJ Alsewi, (2016), Knowledge Sharing Success Model of Virtual Communities of Practice in Healthcare Sector, Encyclopedia of E-Commerce Development, Implementation, and Management, 272-284 (IGI Book chapter) | |
8 | H Alali, (2016), Online Healthcare Communities of Practice: Identifying the Critical Success Factors, International Journal of Computers in Clinical Practice (IJCCP) 1 (1), 1-14 (IGI) | |
9 | H Alali & J Salim, (2016) Virtual Health Communities of Practice Success Factors: Towards Taxonomy and a Framework, International Journal of Web Based Communities, Volume 12, Issue 2. (indexed in Scopus) | |
10 | Nimer Alslihat, Nahed Alrawashdeh, Shereen Al-Ali, Mazen Al – Omari, Ala’a Gazzaz and Haitham Alali (2017) Accounting Disclosure of Both Financial and Non-financial Information in the Light of International Accounting Standards, International Journal of Economic Research v14 (12), 105 (indexed in Scopus) | |
11 | Shireen Al-Ali, Haitham Alali, Nimer Alslihat, Nahed Alrawashdeh, Mazen Al–Omari, Zeyad Almatarneh, (2017) The Impact of Financial Information Systems on the Quality of Financial Statements: The Case of Jordanian Commercial Banks, International Journal of Applied Business and Economic Research, v15 (25), 501 (indexed in Scopus) | |
12 | Raed Al-Wishah, Haitham Alali. (2017) Health Information Privacy and Security Framework: Supporting Electronic Medical Records in Healthcare Systems, International Journal of Innovation & Business Strategy, Vol 8, No 2 | |
13 | Haitham Alali & Mohamad Nofal, WEB TECHNOLOGIES CONNECTING HEALTHCARE PRACTITIONERS, 21th international conference Materials, Methods and Technologies, which will be held on 2630 June 2018 in Elenite, Bulgaria (Accepted) | |
14 | Wa’el Hadi, Mufleh Amin AL Jarrah Samer Alhawari, (2016), Incorporating Knowledge Management Activities and Phases of the Decision Making Process as a Conceptual Model, Innovation Management and Education Excellence Vision 2020: Regional Development to Global Economic Growth (586-593) | |
15 | Maha Alkhaffaf , Mufleh Amin AL Jarrah , Louay Karadsheh , Samer Alhawari (2017) Factors affecting ERP implementation success in Jordanian commercial banks sector) Int. J. Economics and Business Research, Vol. X, No. Y, xxxx | |
16 | Samer Alhawari, Mufleh Amin AL Jarrah, Wa’el Hadi, (2017), Implementing Risk Management Processes into a Cloud Computing Environment, International Journal of Web Portals Volume 9 • Issue 1 • January-June 2017 ( 1-12) | |
17 | M. Hassan , A. Al-Sarayreh,. S. Al-Tarawneh, (2017)The effect of training on employee’s performance of commercial banks in Jordan International Journal of Information Technology and Business Management 59th Volume of JITBM on 29th May 2017 and the ISSN is 2304-0777. 1 | |
18 | A AL-Adwan& S AL-Tarawneh (2017) The Impact of Electronic Banking Service Quality in Enhancing Performance (A study on Jordanian Commercial Banks).Vol.7,No.3,augast 2017. | |
19 | N Al-Hameed, A. Al-Sarayreh, S. Al-Tarawneh (2017) The impact of human resources auditing on the application of governance in the banking sector in Jordan, international journal of human resource studies, vol .7,No.2,april 2017. | |
20 | H. al-shar , S. AL-Tarawneh(2016) The impact of the strategic direction and operational strategies on improving the supply chain in Jordan Phosphate Company . Scientific Journal of Economics and Trade , No .2 ,October 2016. | |
الملخصات | عنوان الرسالة | الرقم |
عبد العال، سهى(2011). | 1 | |
العطار، أمجد(2011). | 2 | |
الفاعوري، الهام(2011). | 3 | |
مناع، عبد الكريم(2011). | 4 | |
الرتيمة، ماجدة(2011). | 5 | |
جابر، ميسون(2011). | 6 | |
الزعبي، فيصل(2011). | 7 |
الملخصات | عنوان الرسالة | الرقم |
المقدادي، حنين(2012). | 1 | |
غرايبة، ألاء(2012). | 2 |
الملخصات | عنوان الرسالة | الرقم |
البواليز، ميساء(2013). اثر استخدام ذكاء الاعمال على جودة القرار في شركة الاتصالات الاردنية(اورنج) اشراف: د. رائد كنعان | 1 | |
الدروبي، وفاء(2013). | 2 | |
الهنداوي، عماد (2013). | 3 | |
السامرائي شيماء(2013). | 4 | |
الدبوني، مهند(2013). | 5 |
الملخصات | عنوان الرسالة | الرقم |
الرواضية, أيمن (2014). أثر ابعاد جودة الخدمات الإلكترونية في تحسين الاداء المؤسسي في دائرة الجمارك الاردنية اشراف : د. أحمد السكر | 1 | |
المطيري, عبيد (2014). | 2 | |
الفقهاء, فارس (2014). | 3 | |
العبادي , لينا (2014). | 4 | |
الشلبي, أحمد (2014). | 5 |
الملخصات | عنوان الرسالة | الرقم |
المطيري، عبيد(2015). أثر توفير مستلزمات نظم المعلومات الإدارية في تحسين كفاءة العمل الإداري اشراف: د. أحمد السكر | 1 | |
الشلبي، احمد (2015). | 2 | |
الرواضية، أيمن(2015). | 3 | |
اعسيلة، حكم (2015). | 4 | |
العبدالات، محمد(2015). | 5 |
الملخصات | عنوان الرسالة | الرقم |
غرايبة، أنس (2016) أثر إدارة المعرفة على تطوير العمل الإداري من خلال عمليات ذكاء الأعمال في الجامعات الأردنية الخاصة في إقليم الشمال أشرف: د.أحمد السكر | 1 | |
السرخي، عبد الناصر(2016) | 2 | |
شطناوي، علاء(2016). | 3 | |
الكنعان، فراس (2016) | 4 | |
السليحات، ليث (2016) | 5 | |
القرارعة، مالك (2016). | 6 |
الملخصات | عنوان الرسالة | الرقم |
أحمد خليل منصور (2017) أثر رشاقة نظم سلسلة التوريد على أداء الشركات اللوجستية الأردنية إشراف: الدكتور هيثم العلي | 1 | |
أحمد محمد عيسى هزايمة (2017) أثر نظم المعلومات الإدارية الصحية على أداء الموظفين في القطاع الصحي الحكومي إشراف: الأستاذ الدكتور رياض الشلبي | 2 | |
أشرف عقيل سليم بطارسة (2017) أثر نظم إدارة الأداء ودورها في تحسين جودة الخدمة المصرفية دراسة حالة: البنك الأهلي الأردني إشراف: الدكتورة أمينه خدام | 3 | |
آلاء مصطفى العش (2017) دور تطبيق متطلبات نجاح ذكاء الأعمال على جودة القرارات في القطاع المصرفي الأردني إشراف: الدكتور هيثم العلي | 4 | |
دينا علي بني هاني (2017) العوامل المؤثرة في تبني المستخدمين للخدمات المصرفية الالكترونية: وجهة نظر العملاء الأردنيين إشـراف: الدكتور رائد كنعان/مشرفا رئيسا الدكتور أحمد السكر/مشرفا مشاركا | 5 | |
سالم أحمد الحوراني (2017) أثر نظم تكنولوجيا المعلومات على التميز التنظيمي في الجامعة العربية المفتوحة إشراف: الدكتور أحمد السكر | 6 | |
صافيناز عادل حسن بني فياض(2017) الحوسبة السحابية كعامل ممكِّن داعماً لإكتشاف المعرفة من البيانات الكبيرة إشراف: الدكتور فراس الخالدي | 7 | |
عبد الرحمن موسى القيق(2017) أثر نظم المعلومات الإدارية على أمن وخصوصية البيانات في التلفزيون الأردني إشراف: الدكتورة سمر الطراونة | 8 | |
عبد الهادي حسين محمد الطاها (2017) أثر نظم المعلـومـات الإداريــة عــــــلـــى تعزيز الإنتاج الرشيـق في الشركات الصناعية إشراف: الأستاذ الـــدكـــتـــور رياض الشلبي | 9 | |
غدير شحادة الحسين (2017) أنظمة إدارة الأرشفة الإلكترونية وآثرها على جودة الخدمات الإلكترونية: دراسة ميدانية على القطاع الحكومي الأردني إشراف: الدكتور احمد السكر | 10 | |
غيث ابراهيم الشمري (2017) أثر وعي المستخدم لمخاطر الاختراق الإلكتروني على تصميم تطبيقات الهاتف النقال إشراف: الدكتور أحمد السكر | 11 | |
الطالب محمد أحمد إبراهيم الرواشــدة (2017) أثر نظم المعلومــــات الإدارية على تعزيز الشفافية لدى وزارة الشبــــاب في الأردن الدكتور الأستاذ الدكتور رياض الشلبي | 12 | |
محمد جاسم محمد البياتي (2017) أثر نظم معلومات الموارد البشرية على فاعلية إدارة شؤون الموظفين في شركة غاز الشمال / العراق إشراف: الدكتور أحمد السكر | 13 | |
مروة صلاح مهدي (2017) تأثير جودة مواقع التواصل الاجتماعي على القيم الأخلاقية "طلبة الجامعات الأردنية الخاصة في العاصمة عمان" إشراف: الدكتور أحمد السكر/مشرفا رئيسا الدكتور هيثم العلي/مشرفا مشاركا | 14 | |
نور بدر عبد الرحمن الحيت (2017) عوامل النجاح الحرجة لنظم المعلومات، ودورها في تحقيق استراتيجيات الأعمال التنافسية: الدور الوسيط الاستشعار البيئي دراسة ميدانية في مجموعة ازحيمان العالمية للتجارة والاستثمار إشراف: الدكتورة أمينه خدام | 15 | |
وازع غانم عبدالله ثوابه (2017) أثر استخدام تُكّنولوجْيا الَّمَعّلُومَاتِ عَلْى أَداءِ الّمُوَظَّفِّينْ في شَرِكَة النّفطِ اليَمَنِيَّة" (دراسة حالة) إشراف: الدكتور أحمد السُكر | 16 |