fbpxUndergraduate Programs | Amman Arab University
جامعة عمان العربية

Undergraduate Programs

College of Business Programs
Major Number of hours Study Plan
Business Administration132Download plan​
Finance and Banking 132Download plan
Accounting 132Download plan
Management Information Systems 132Download plan​
Accounting and Business Law132Download plan
Human Resources Management​​132 Download Plan​​


College of Information Technology Programs
Major Number of hours Study Plan
Computer Information Systems​​ 132Download plan
Software Engineering 132Download plan
Cyber ​​Security 132Download Plan
Data Science and Artificial Intelligence132Download Plan
Computer Science132Download Plan


College of Law Programs
MajorNumber of hoursStudy Plan
Law141Download plan


College of Arts and Sciences Programs
MajorNumber of hoursStudy Plan
English Language and Translation132Download plan
Mathematics132Download plan


College of Educational and  Psychological Sciences Programs
MajorNumber of hoursStudy Plan
Special Education 132Download plan​


College of Aviation Science Programs
MajorNumber of hoursStudy Plan
​Aircraft Maintenance​137​Download plan​​
Avionics137Download plan​​


College of Engineering Programs
MajorNumber of hoursStudy Plan
Civil Engineering162Download Plan
Architecture Engineering169Download Plan
Renewable Energy Engineering162Download Plan


College of Pharmacy Programs
MajorNumber of hoursStudy Plan
Pharmacy160Download Plan


College of Sharia Programs
MajorNumber of hoursStudy Plan
Sharia132Download Plan
Fiqh and its Foundation132Download plan


College of Applied Medical Sciences Programs
MajorNumber of hoursStudy Plan
Medical Laboratory Sciences136Download plan