It is my great pleasure to work as a faculty member and head of the Department of English Language and Translation. For me, language is the key to thought, culture, civilization and progress. English is a universal language which is used all over the world and taught in most universities.
The Department of English Language and Translation is a leading department at the level of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences in the Amman Arab University, and other national and international universities. It offers a BA program in English Language and Translation whereby students study according to a modern, comprehensive study plan in order to develop advanced language skills. The aim of the department is inspired from the deep and ambitious university message; to be one of the finest academic institutions in the world.
Welcome to our department that provides a distinctive learning and teaching process throughout the research and teaching skills of the academic staff and blending theory and practice in order to prepare our graduates to face the challenges in creative and professional ways
Dr. Ahmad Tawalbeh
Acting head of the department
About of the English Language and Translation Department
The Department of English Language and Translation is one of the significant and promising departments in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan. The Department was established in the academic year 2011/2012, comprising a number of distinguished academic staff graduated from high-ranked universities. This Department includes modern classrooms and labs, equipped with up-to-date educational means. The department seeks to create inspiring and educational environment for the students and lecturers to promote the educational process in the field of English language and translation which helps fulfil the objectives of the Department.
Entrepreneurship and excellence in English language and translation programs at the local and regional levels.
Preparing distinguished qualified graduates to meet the needs of the local and regional community.
English Language and Translation Major - Bachelor's Program
Program Mission:
Preparing qualified and distinguished graduates to meet the needs of the local and regional community, through qualified cadres capable of keeping pace with local and international standards by the standards of integrating e-learning.
Educational Program Objectives:
- Shaping the students personality and preparing them appropriately to face the challenges of life.
- Building bridges of cooperation with other cultures and civilizations.
- Providing local, regional and international market and academic institutions with highly qualified graduates in English and translation.
- Honing the skills of scientific research of instructors and students in the field of English language and translation.
- Fostering excellent students in the field of English language and translation.
Educational Program Outcomes:
The intended outcome of this program is to prepare graduates who are able to:
- Identify language skills and vocabulary.
- Clarify the difference between literary genres and discover diversity in literary and linguistic works.
- Use Arabic and foreign dictionaries, and link terms and expressions.
- Translate texts, rules, conditions, types, importance, and comparison between them
- Employ the skills of reading, writing, speaking, and listening in translation.
- Build groups and work effectively.
Applied Linguistics Major - Master’s Program
Program Mission:
Preparing qualified and distinguished alumni possessing research and scientific skills in the field of applied linguistics to meet the needs of the local and regional community, and able to cope with local and international criteria in accordance with the e-learning integration standards.
Educational Program Objectives:
- Refining the student's personality to cope with the requirements of life appropriately, in terms of knowledge, behavior, belonging, and ethics.
- Building bridges of cooperation with other cultures and civilizations.
- Supplying the local and regional market and official, commercial and professional institutions with qualified cadres in applied linguistics.
- Enhancing the research aspect of faculty members and students in the fields of applied linguistics.
- Preparing students of distinguished academic and research quality.
Educational Program Outcomes:
The intended outcome of this program is to prepare graduates who are able to:
- Use dictionaries and linking concepts and terms.
- Analyze and compare linguistic texts in a sound scientific way.
- Employ language skills and vocabulary in the field of applied linguistics.
- Conduct research and studies and promote critical thinking in the field of applied linguistics.
- Solve linguistic difficulties and recognize linguistic phenomena according to acquired scientific research methods.
English Language and Translation Major - Bachelor's Program
Program Educational Objectives (PEOs)
- Shaping the students personality and preparing them appropriately to face the challenges of life.
- Building bridges of cooperation with other cultures and civilizations.
- Providing local, regional and international market and academic institutions with highly qualified graduates in English and translation.
- Honing the skills of scientific research of instructors and students in the field of English language and translation.
- Fostering excellent students in the field of English language and translation.
Students Outcomes
- Identify language skills and vocabulary.
- Clarify the difference between literary genres and discover diversity in literary and linguistic works.
- Use Arabic and foreign dictionaries, and link terms and expressions.
- Translate texts, rules, conditions, types, importance, and comparison between them
- Employ the skills of reading, writing, speaking, and listening in translation.
- Build groups and work effectively.
Matrix of correlation of program objectives and educational outcomes
PEOs | SOs |
PEO1 | 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 |
PEO2 | 2, 4, 5 |
PEO3 | 3, 4, 5 |
PEO4 | 2, 4, 5 |
PEO5 | 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 |
Applied Linguistics Major - Master’s Program
Educational Program Objectives:
- Refining the student's personality to cope with the requirements of life appropriately, in terms of knowledge, behavior, belonging, and ethics.
- Building bridges of cooperation with other cultures and civilizations.
- Supplying the local and regional market and official, commercial and professional institutions with qualified cadres in applied linguistics.
- Enhancing the research aspect of faculty members and students in the fields of applied linguistics.
- Preparing students of distinguished academic and research quality.
Educational Program Outcomes:
The intended outcome of this program is to prepare graduates who are able to:
- Use dictionaries and linking concepts and terms.
- Analyze and compare linguistic texts in a sound scientific way.
- Employ language skills and vocabulary in the field of applied linguistics.
- Conduct research and studies and promote critical thinking in the field of applied linguistics.
- Solve linguistic difficulties and recognize linguistic phenomena according to acquired scientific research methods.
PEOs | SOs |
PEO1 | 1,2,3,4,5,6 |
PEO2 | 2,5,6 |
PEO3 | 5,6 |
PEO4 | 2,3,4,5 |
PEO5 | 1,6 |

Major | Credit Hours | Study Plan |
English language and Translation /Bachelor | 132 | |
Applied Linguistics / Master | 33 | Download plan |
Number | Documentation | Abstract |
1 | AbdulFattah, H. (2011). Collocations: A Constant Challenge to EFL Users. Abhath Al-Yarmouk: Humanities and Social Sciences. | Download |
2 | Abdul-Fattah, H. ( 2011) A Formal Functional Analysis of English. Abhath Al-Yarmouk: Languages and Literature. | Download |
3 | Al-Shaikhli M., & Shalabi I. (2011). English–Arabic Contrastive Analysis Redefinition of Goals, Journal of Language Teaching and Research, Vol. 2, No. 6, pp. 1337 1345, Finland. | Download |
Number | Documentation | Abstract |
1 | Atef M., & Al-Shaikhli M. (2013). Conceptual Structure and the Interpretation of Some Polysemous Verbs in a Few Specific Verses in Holy Qura‟n: Jackendoff's Semantic Theory and Practice in Language Studies Journal, Vol. 1, No. 5, pp. 443-453, Finland. | Download |
Number | Documentation | Abstract |
2 | Shaykhali, May (2016), THE IMPACT OF LEXICAL AND CULTURAL AMBIGUITY ON TRANSLATING ENGLISH AND ARABIC TEXTS, Social Science Conference, ISBN:978-605-83117-1-8 Prague, Czech Republic, 19-21 July, 2016 Masters International Research &Development Center | Download |
Number | Documentation | Abstract |
1 | Jamil, Adil. (2017). Manly of Wycherley and the Byronic Hero: Prototype character and Type. 7th International Forum. ISF. Oxford, UK.446-474 (Conference Proceedings) Feb 7-9 2017 | Download |
2 | Jamil, Adil. (2018). From Villiers To Oliver Goldsmith: Studies in English Drama. Amwaj Press. Amman Jordan. 325 Page Book. One author | Download |
3 | Al-Shaikhli, May & Almahameed. Y.(2017). Understanding Syntactic and Semantic errors in the Composition Writing of Jordanian EFL learners. International Journal of Applied Linguistics and English Literature. ISSN 2200-3592. | Download |
4 | Al-Shaikhli, Almahameed. Y.(2017). Understanding Syntactic and Semantic errors in the Composition Writing of Jordanian EFL learners. International Journal of Applied Linguistics and English Literature. ISSN 2200-3592. | Download |
5 | Almahameed. Y.(2018). How do Jordanian EFL Learners Grasp Causative-Inchoative Alternation?. Australian Review of Applied Linguistics. Under publishing. | Download |
6 | Ababneh. Imad. (June, 2017). Mención Específica A Los Refranes Contenidos En El Noble Corán Y La Sagrada Biblia (Nuevo Testamento). European Scientific Journal. Macedonia, Vol.13, No.17 ISSN: 1857 – 7881, (pages: 317- 324). | Download |
7 | Mohammad Daher, Imad Abedalkareem Ababneh, (2018) La imagen del musulmán en el refranero español: un estudio analítico. Journal of Language and Literature, Azerbaijan (under publishing) | Download |
8 | Aljadiri .A,Khudhem W ,Hantouleh .A (2017).The Effect of Teaching Optics Physics Based on Directed Inquiry Strategy on the Tenth Grade Students’ Achievement and their Attitudes towards the Subject Journal of Education and Practice. ISSN (Paper) 2222-1735.ISSN(Online) 2222-288.Vol 8.No 19 92017) 2 | Download |
9 | Jamil, Adel (2017), Manly of Wycherley and the Byronic Hero: Character Prototype and Type, 7th International Forum. ISF Feb 7-9 2017. Oxford, UK. 446-474. | Download |
10 | Shaykhali, May (2017), Problems of Transferring Arabic Homonymous lexical verbs into English: A Semantic Study,The International Education Social Sciences and Humanities Research Conference, Conference Proceedings. Zurich, Switzerland.10 – 12 July, 2017 | Download |
11 | Shaykhali, May (2017), Understanding Syntactic and Semantic Errors in the Composition Writing of Jordanian EFL Learners, Received: 19-04-2017 Accepted: 10-06-2017 Advance Access Published: September 2017 | Download |
12 | Almahameed, Y & Alshikhili, M. (2017). Understanding Syntactic and Semantic Errors in the Composition Writing of Jordanian EFL Learners. International Journal of Applied Linguistics & English Literature. Vol 6. No, 6. | Download |
Number | Documentation | Abstract |
1 | Almahameed, Y & Alajalein, M. (2018). Causative-inchoative Alternation in the Language of Jordanian EFL Learners. International Journal of Applied Linguistics & English Literature. Vol 7. No, 6. | Download |
2 | Shaykhali, May (2018), Toward an Optimal Theory of Translation. The European Conference on the Social Sciences.Official Conference Proceedings. Official Conference Proceedings. Brighton. U.K. ISSN: 2188-1154 | Download |
3 | Banikalef, A., Al Bataineh, K., & Atoum, M. (2018). Exploring Facebook affordances in natural disaster: case study of the 2018 dead sea flash floods in Jordan. International Journal of Engineering & Technology, 7(4), 5001-5006. | Download |
Number | Documentation | Abstract |
1 | Jamil, A. M. (2019). Mahmoud Darwish and Joy Harjo: Cosmic Consciousness. Arab World English Journal for Translation & Literary Studies, 3 (3) 20-36. | Download |
2 | Jamil , Adil M (2019), Unchecked Man’s Devious Will: US Age of Common Man and Gilded Age versus Recent Iraq, International Journal of English Literature and Social Sciences (IJELS). Vol-4, Issue-3, May - Jun, 2019 7620-ISSN: 2456 | Download |
3 | Alfawareh, A., (2019), The Skill of Writing a Linguistic and Cognitive Perspective, Jerash : for Research and Studies ISSN: 1814-2672 , vol 20 , issue 1, 2019 p265 Alfawareh/publication | Download |
4 | Alfawareh, A., (2019), The Eternal Conflict of Flesh and Spirit [A STUDY OF MORAL CONCERNS OF MODERN NOVEL WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO AJ CRONIN] Literary Endeavour ( ISSN 0976-299X ) , vol 5 , issue 1. 2019 p10 | Download |
5 | Alfawareh, A., (2019), Psycho-Analysis In Pre-Freudian and Pre-Jungian Writings, Dirassat in Humanities and Social Sciences ISBN :978-9957-67-204-1 - ISSN (ISSN-L):2617-9857 .vol 2 . issue 18 p182 . oct 2019 | Download |
6 | Almahameed, Y & Alajalein, M. (2019). Pragmatic Failure Committed by Jordanian Undergraduate EFL Learners. International Journal of Language and Literature. Vol 7. No,1. | Download |
Number | Documentation | Abstract |
1 | May Shikhali, Abd Alaziz Jomah Al Fawareh, Khaleel Bader Al Bataineh,(2020), The Attitudes of Jordanians toward Using Sms English A Descriptive Study | Download |
2 | Alfawareh, A., (2020), The Importance of ‘Pragmatics’ in Interpreting the Intent Speech in English and Arabic languages, International Journal of Innovation , Creativity and Change . www. Volume 14, Issue 11, 2020 | Download |
3 | Almahameed, Y .(2020). Resolving Lexical and Structural Ambiguity by Jordanian Learners of English. JOURNAL OF CRITICAL REVIEWS . Vol 7. No,8. | Download |
4 | Almahameed, Y, Aljarah, L, Ababneh, I. (2020). A Comparative Study of Personal Pronouns, Demonstrative Pronouns and Relative Pronouns in Arabic, English and Spanish. International Journal of Linguistics, Literature and Translation. Vol3. No,12. | Download |
5 | Almahameed, Y, Aljarah, L, Ababneh, I. (2020). The Role of Listener's Interest and Speaker's First Language in Listening Comprehension. Asian EFL journal. Vol3. No,12. | Download |
6 | Almahameed, Y. (2020). A Stylistic Analysis of the Short Story "The Little Match Girl" International. International Journal of Innovation, Creativity and Change Vol 14. No,12. | Download |
7 | Albashtawi, A., & Al Bataineh, K. (2020). The effectiveness of google classroom among EFL students in jordan: an innovative teaching and learning online platform. International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning (iJET), 15(11), 78-88. | Download |
8 | Al-Smadi, O. A., Yassin, B., & Al Bataineh, K. B. (2020). Linguistic Modifications in Teacher Talk in English for Medical Purposes Classroom. Trends in Social Sciences, 2(2), 10-20. | Download |
9 | Albashtawi, A., & Al Bataineh, K. (2020). The effectiveness of google classroom among EFL students in jordan: an innovative teaching and learning online platform. International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning (iJET), 15(11), 78-88. | Download |
Number | Documentation | Abstract |
1 | Almahameed, Y.& Alajalein, M. (2021). Difficulties Faced by Jordanian Undergraduate EFL Students in Writing Research Problem Statement. Vol 7. No,1. | Download |
2 | Bataineh, K. B., Atoum, M. S., & Shikhali, M. (2021) A Silver Lining of Coronavirus: Jordanian Universities Turn to Distance Education. International Journal of Information and Communication Technology Education, 17(2), 1-11. | Download |