In light of expansion & quantitative and qualitative development in the field of special education, and the consequent increase in the need of specialized teachers؛ the Department of Special Education at Amman Arab University is seeking through its programs to cope with the successive changes and rapid developments undergoing in this science, to achieve positive social behavior towards special needs people, and then achieve human development in community, and encouraging faculty members to conduct scientific research that serves community, provide courses, workshops and seminars that serve students and society, the department aspires the best to improve the level of special education, in light of support and encouragement of officials at Amman Arab University.
Dr. Nabil Salah Homedan
Head of Department of Special Education
About of Master of Special Education
In light of expansion & quantitative and qualitative development in the field of special education, and the consequent increase in the need of specialized teachers؛ the Department of Special Education at Amman Arab University is seeking through its programs to cope with the successive changes and rapid developments undergoing in this science, to achieve positive social behavior towards special needs people, and then achieve human development in community, and encouraging faculty members to conduct scientific research that serves community, provide courses, workshops and seminars that serve students and society, the department aspires the best to improve the level of special education, in light of support and encouragement of officials at Amman Arab University.
Entrepreneurship and excellence in the quality of teaching and learning, scientific research, and community service locally and internationally.
Preparing qualified, advanced, and capable human cadres cognitively, professionally, and ethically in the field of special education, to meet community needs efficiently and effectively.
Program Mission:
Preparing qualified and distinguished graduates to meet local and regional community needs, by a qualified cadre capable to cope with local and international criteria of e. learning inclusion.
Educational Program Objectives:
- Providing students with vocational and practical skills necessary for disabled and talented students.
- Developing modern ethical & humanitarian attitudes towards disabled people.
- Developing the skills & abilities of Special Education teachers to cope up with all developments in the field of scientific research.
- Cooperating with local community institutions to provide counseling and services for disabled and talented people and their families.
- Training students on the tools of measurement & diagnostics used in the field of Special Education.
Educational Program Outcomes:
The intended outcome of this program is to prepare graduates who are able to:
- Identify special education, its objectives, categories, and its historical development.
- Explain ethical and educational aspects in dealing with people with disabilities and the gifted.
- Conduct scientific research in the field of special education.
- Analyze society's attitudes toward people with disabilities and talented people.
- Evaluate tests and standards in special education.
- Prepare and develop educational programs for the handicapped and the gifted.
Program Mission:
Preparing qualified and distinguished graduates to meet local and regional community needs, by a qualified cadre capable to cope with local and international criteria of e-learning inclusion.
Educational Program Objectives:
- Providing students with vocational and practical skills necessary for disabled and talented students.
- Developing modern ethical & humanitarian attitudes towards disabled people.
- Developing the skills & abilities of Special Education teachers to cope up with all developments in the field of scientific research.
- Cooperating with local community institutions to provide counseling and services for disabled and talented people and their families.
- Training students on the tools of measurement & diagnostics used in the field of Special Education.
Educational Program Outcomes:
The intended outcome of this program is to prepare graduates who are able to:
- Identify special education, its objectives, categories, and its historical development.
- Clarify the profession's professional, legal, ethical, and social bases.
- Conduct scientific studies in the fields of special education.
- Analyze the negative attitudes prevailing in society towards peoples with disabilities.
- Evaluate tests and standards in the field of special education.
- Prepare the necessary and appropriate educational plans in the field of special education.
Program Educational Objectives (PEOs)
- Providing students with the professional and applied skills necessary to teach gifted and handicapped students.
- Development of modern ethical and humanitarian trends towards persons with disabilities.
- Developing the skills of special education teachers to keep pace with developments in the field and scientific research and develop their capabilities.
- Cooperating with local community institutions to provide consultations and services for people with disabilities and talented people and their families.
- Training students on measurement and diagnostic tools used in the field of special education.
Students Outcomes (SOs)
- Identifying the nature of special education, its objectives and categories, and its historical development.
- Explanation of the ethical and educational aspects in dealing with people with disabilities and the gifted.
- Conducting scientific research in the field of special education.
- Analysis of the trends of the society with disabilities and the gifted.
- Evaluation of tests and standards in special education.
- Preparing and developing educational programs for the education of people with disabilities and the gifted.
Mapping between PEOs and SOs:
PEOs | SOs |
1 | 1،6 |
2 | 2 |
3 | 3 |
4 | 4 |
5 | 5 |
Program Educational Objectives (PEOs)
- Providing students with the professional and applied skills necessary to teach gifted and handicapped students.
- Development of modern ethical and humanitarian trends towards persons with disabilities.
- Developing the skills of special education teachers to keep pace with developments in the field and scientific research and develop their capabilities.
- Cooperating with local community institutions to provide consultations and services for people with disabilities and talented people and their families.
- Training students on measurement and diagnostic tools used in the field of special education.
Students Outcomes (SOs)
- Identifying the nature of special education, its objectives and categories, and its historical development.
- Explanation of the ethical and educational aspects in dealing with people with disabilities and the gifted.
- Conducting scientific research in the field of special education.
- Analysis of the trends of the society with disabilities and the gifted.
- Evaluation of tests and standards in special education.
- Preparing and developing educational programs for the education of people with disabilities and the gifted.
Mapping between PEOs and SOs:
PEOs | SOs |
1 | 1،6 |
2 | 2 |
3 | 3 |
4 | 4 |
5 | 5 |

Major | Credit Hours | Study Plan |
Bachelor of Special Education | 132 | |
Master of Special Education | 33 | Download Plan - Thesis Download Plan - Comprehe |
Number | List of Research Papers | Abstract |
1 | حمدي، نزيه وأبو طالب، صابر و أبو طالب، فاتن (2011) علم النفس العام ، جامعة القدس المفتوحة، 2011. | |
2 | محمد, شذى عبدالباقي, عيسى, مصطفى محمد (2011) اتجاهات حديثة في علم النفس المعرفي, ط1. دار المسيرة للنشر والتوزيع والطباعة, عمان, الأردن. | |
3 | Alquraan M; & Al-Jarrah A. (2011). Psychometric revision of a Jordanian version of the metamemory in adulthood questionnaire (MIA) Rasch model, confirmatory factor analysis, and classical test theory analyses. Education, Business and Society: Contemporary Middle Eastern Issues, 4(4), 292- 302. | |
4 | Khazaleh A., & Al Khateeb J. (2011) Social and Emotional Skills for Children with Learning Disabilities and Its Relation to Some Variables ,Educational Sciences –University of Jordan. | |
5 | Khazaleh A., & Rami, T. (2011) Attitudes of Special Education Specialization Students at Al Qassim University toward Their Major of Study and Its Relationship with Some Variables, Gulf University Journal (122). | |
6 | Milhem, S., (2011). Psychometric Properties of the Image to scale Arabized Boss & Berry for Aggressive Yemeni Sample. . Journal of Childhood, Cairo University. . No. 9, 509- 522. May, 2011. | |
7 | Milhem, S., (2011). Effectiveness of a Group Counseling Program Based on Cognitive Behavioral Therapy in Improving the Self – Concept, Achievement Motivation and Reducing the Obsessive Behavior of female Undergraduate Students in Saudi Arabia. Journal of Childhood, Cairo University. . No. 9, pp.: 157 – 183. September, 2011. | |
8 | Milhem, S., (2011). The Effectiveness of a Training Program for the Development of Scientific Thinking Skills of Students at the Basic Stage in Jordan and Tested. Journal of Childhood, Cairo University. . No. 8, 261 – 281. May, 2011. | |
9 | Al-Qamash ,M., Altal, S.. & Al- Jawaldeh, F. (2011). Dimensions Of Emotional Intelligence Common Among Student with learning disabilities in Alkarak governorate in Jordan, and their impact on the type of learning disability, gender, and grade, Al Najah National University, Accepted, 2011. | |
10 | Al – Tal, S., Al momany, S. (2011). Emotional problems suffered by the brothers of outstanding students - Journal of Childhood - a scientific refereed journal - Triannual - Cairo University - Faculty of Kindergarten. | |
11 | Banat, S. & Barahmeh, M. (2011). The Relationship Between Psychological Adjustment and the Gifted and Talented Students Causes Of Engaged To Pioneer's Centers (Field Study In Ein Al Basha Pioneer Center In Balqa Governorate In Jordan. Journal for Educational and Psychological Sciences Damascus University. | |
12 | Tayel, H., & Ahmed, A. (2011). The Effect of Language training Program in developing Language Skills of Mentally Retarded Children, Egyptian Journal of Contemporary Psychology and Human Sciences, Al- Mina University, Vole: 21. | |
13 | Al-Qamash ,M., Altal, Sohir. & Al- Jawaldeh, Fuad (2011).Dimensions Of Emotional Intelligence Common Among Student with learning disabilities in Alkarak governorate in Jordan, and their impact on the type of learning disability, gender, and grade, Al Najah National University, Accepted, 2011. | |
14 | Jarwan, F. (2011). The Importance of Academic Acceleration of Intellectually Gifted Students: A Call for Review of Arab Educational Laws and Policies. Journal of Educational Research, National Center for Educational Research and Development, Cairo. 33, 17 -57. | |
15 | Jarwan, F. (2011). Evaluating the Admission System of Gifted Students, Teachers’ Selection and Enrichment Curricula of Schools of Excellence in Jordan in Light of International Standards of Gifted Education Programs. Journal of Education College, Education and Psychology, Ain Shams University. 35 (3), 493 – 515. | |
16 | Jarwan , F. (2011) .The Effectiveness of the Over excitabilities Measure in Identifying Academically Talented Students. Educational Sciences, Educational Sciences Institute, Cairo University, 19 (3/1), 161 – 184. | |
17 | Jarwan, F. ( 2011) The Differences in Multiple Intelligences Between Gifted and Ordinary Students and its Relationship with Age and Sex Variables of a Jordanian Student’s Sample. Childhood Journal, Kindergarten College, Cairo University. 9, 5 – 25. | |
18 | Al-Bayati, A., Maharmeh, L., & Sabea, Y. (2011). The role of Higher Management in caring the Gifted people - Journal of the Arab Council for gifted and talented people ,eighth issue | |
19 | Melhem, S., & Mohammad A. (2011).The Effectiveness Of A Proposed Program For Developing Thinking Skills And Problem Solving For Pupils In Basic Schools In Sultanate Of Oman. Childhood magazine. No.8. |
Number | List of Research Papers | Abstract |
1 | الشوارب، اياد. عواد، احمد (2012). المهارات الاجتماعية لدى الأطفال العاديين والمعاقين بصريا في مرحلة ما قبل المدرسة بالمملكة الأردنية الهاشمية، مجلة جامعة دمشق للعلوم التربوية والنفسية،المجلد 28 العدد الأول . | |
2 | الشوارب،اياد ( 2012). مستوى التوافق الاجتماعي والانفعالي لدى المسنين وعلاقته ببعض المتغيرات دراسة مقارنة،مجلة كلية التربية جامعة بنها،المجلد 23،العدد90،ابريل ج(2)،. | |
3 | بيروتي، عائده وحمدي، نزيه (2012). فاعلية تدريب الأمهات على التعزيز التفاضلي وإعادة التصور في خفض سلوك عدم الطاعة لدى أطفالهن وتحسين الكفاءة الذاتية المدركة لدى الأمهات، المجلة الأردنية في العلوم التربوية، المجلد 8، العدد 4.. | |
4 | الصمادي ،جميل ، التاج ،هيام. (2012). الفروق في الحكم الخلقي بين الأفراد المعوقين والأفراد العاديين في الأردن وعلاقتها باتجاهات التنشئة الوالدية . مجلة الدولية للأبحاث التربوية . جامعة الإمارات العربية المتحدة. العدد 32. | |
5 | العجيلي, شذى وعبيدات, يحيى,(2012). أثر استخدام استراتيجية الخرائط المفاهيمية المستندة إلى مهارات التفكير ما وراء المعرفي في حل المسائل الرياضية اللفظية لدى طلبة ذوي صعوبات التعلم, مجلة العلوم التربوية والنفسية, العدد(88). | |
6 | Milhem, S., (2012). Emotional Intelligence, Academic & Social Adaptation, and Self – Esteem. A Comparative study among Adolescents of Dogmatism and their Ordinary Counterparts. BENHA UNIVERSITY, Egypt. Vol. 23, No. 92. October (Part 2).81 – 116. 2012. | |
7 | Milhem, S. & Zahran, A.; (2012). The Effectiveness of Training on Formative Assessment Strategies on Developing Creative Thinking for Students of the Basic Stage in Jordan. Hebron University Research Journal. Volume (7) No. (2). 173 – 188. July 2012. | |
8 | Milhem, S., (2012). Effectiveness of a Training Program Based on Strategy of Cooperative Learning on Modifying Dogmatic Trait Personality for a Sample of Students from the Secondary Stage of Jordan. Association of Arab Universities Journal for Education and Psychology, Publishing approval on 26. 1. 2012. | |
9 | Milhem, S. & Zboon, S. (2012). Effect of Parenting Style, Social Adjustment, and Academic Adjustment on Bullying Behavior among a Sample of Adolescents in Jordan and its Relation with their Self-Esteem. Journal the faculty of education, AIN SHAMS UNIVERSITY, EGYPT. Thirty –sixth Issue (Part 11). 67 – 106. 2012. | |
10 | Milhem, S., (2012). The Satisfaction with Body Image among a Sample of Adolescent Student in Jordan. BENHA UNIVERSITY, EGYPT. Vol. 23, No. 90 April, 1 – 32. 2012. | |
11 | Milhem, S. & Bakeer, S.; (2012). The Relationship between Obsessive Behavior and all of the Self – Concept and Achievement Motivation of Undergraduate Students in Saudi Arabia. BENHA UNIVERSITY, EGYPT. Vol. 23, No. 92. Oct.(Part3).395 -432. 2012. | |
12 | Milhem, S., (2012). The Dogmatism and its Relationship with Learning Preference Scale for Student. (LPSS) and Self-Esteem at a simple of the Adolescences in Jordan. BENHA UNIVERSITY, Egypt. Vol. 23, No. 90. April.(Part2).83 – 119. 2012.. | |
13 | Altal, Sohir, Al-Qamash ,Mustafa, Al- Jawaldeh, Fuad & Bahraoui ,Atef (2012).The Effectiveness of a Treatment Program in Play to Improve The Skills (use of body and self-care) in Children With Autistic Disorder in Jordan. European Journal of Scientific Research Volume 74 Issue 2.(2012). | |
14 | Al Tal,Suhair, Al- Jawaldeh, Fuad Zraiqat.Ibraheem. (2012) The relationship between the level of chaotic behavior and social skills for the students-Journal of the Faculty of Education at Benha University. | |
15 | Al Tal, Suhair, Al Momany,Samar.(2012). The Effectiveness of a Treatment Program in Play to Improve the Skills (Use of Body and Self-Care) in Children with Autistic Disorder in Jordan. European Journal of Social sciences. | |
16 | Al-Qamash , M. & Al- Jawaldeh, F. (2012).The Effect of The Use Of An Educational Program In The Development Of Computer Skills In Children with Mental Retardation, An International Refereed Research Journal Dirasat, Volume 39,Educotional Sciences, No 1,March 2012,Rabll 1433. | |
17 | Altal, S., Al-Qamash , M., Al- Jawaldeh, F. & Bahraoui , A. (2012).The Effectiveness of a Treatment Program in Play to Improve The Skills (use of body and self-care) in Children With Autistic Disorder in Jordan. European Journal of Scientific Research Volume 74 Issue 2.(2012). | |
18 | Doudin, T. & Jarwan, F. ( 2012) . The Effect of Implementing Acceleration and Enrichment Programs on the Learning Motivation, Achievement, and Self-Esteem of Gifted Students in Jordan . Jerusalem Open University Journal of Research and Studies. 26 (2), 105 – 148. 5. | |
19 | Maharmeh, L., & Mahmoud, A. (2012). The competencies of teachers in King Abdullah II schools of excellence in light of the National Association of American Journal of International Educational Standards, folder (1), No. (8). |
Number | List of Research Papers | Abstract |
1 | الفرح،يعقوب.العوامله حابس. الشوارب ،اياد (2013) درجة مفهوم الذات لدى الأحداث الجانحين وعلاقتها ببعض المتغيرات،بحث منشور في وقائع المؤتمر التربوي الدولي الخامس التربية والتحديات المجتمعية الواقع- المستجدات- الطموح جامعة الطفيلة. | |
2 | حمدي، نزيه (2013) تدريبات في الارشاد الاسري ، المكتب التنفيذي لوزراء الشؤون الإجتماعية لدول مجلس التعاون الخليجي. | |
3 | ذياب, علي و العجيلي, شذى(2013) أثر استخدام التعلم المستند إلى أنموذج كولب, مجلة العلوم التربوية والنفسية. | |
4 | Khazaleh A. & Rami, A. (2013).The Effect of Using Cognitive Aesthetics on Developing Metamemory among a Sample of Students In The Preparatory Year at Qassim University. Journal of the Golf and Arabian Peninsula studies, University of Kuwait, no 151, vol 39.. | |
5 | Alshawareb, I. & Al Farah, Y..(2013) level of empathy Among Talented and Ordinary Students and Relationship with some variables, European journal of scientific research.Vol.114 No 1 November,pp.56-72. | |
6 | Al- Jawaldeh, F., Al-Qamash , M. & Altal, S.. (2013).The Effectiveness Of Training Program Based On The Brainstorming To Developing The Critical Thinking Among7th Graders, Al Qudas Open University, 2013. | |
7 | Banat, S., & Ghaith, S. (2013). The Reality of Counseling Services Provided by the School Counselor for Gifted and Talented Students in the Jordanian Government School . Journal of Educational & Psychological Studies. | |
8 | Banat, S., Ghaith, S., Bana, M., & Albadareen, G. (2013). Implementing computer technology by educational counselors in Jordanian governmental school the Educational Journal, 109, 28, 75-126. | |
9 | Al- Jawaldeh, F., Al-Qamash , M. & Magableh, A. (2013).The Level of Practice Teachers of Gifted Students To Multiple Intelligences in The Class Room. Al Qudas Open University, 2011. | |
10 | Al- Jawaldeh, F., Al-Qamash , M. & Altal, S.. (2013).The Effectiveness Of Training Program Based On The Brainstorming To Developing The Critical Thinking Among7th Graders, Al Qudas Open University, 2013. | |
11 | Al- Jawaldeh, F. (2013).The Impact of an Educational Program Based on the Theory of Mind in the improve the Quality of Life Among Intellectual & Developmental Disabilities Children, Accepted. Journal Dirasat. | |
12 | Moadih, R., al-Azzawi, M.,& Maharmeh, L. (2013), The requirements for the integration of children with special needs in kinder garden from the point view of teachers and school administrators in Amman, American Arabic Academy for Sciences and Technology Volume4, Number11, (2013), pp .121-129. |
Number | List of Research Papers | Abstract |
1 | الحراحشة ،علاء .(2014). إدارة الأزمات الادارية في المدارس الثانوية الحكومية في عمان. في مجلة كلية التربية . جامعة الازهر. العدد 164 .المجلد 2. | |
2 | الرواد، ذيب وحمدي، نزيه (2014) تطوير برنامج إرشاد جشطالتي وعقلي انفعالي واستقصاء فاعليتهما في خفض القلق لدى طلبة الجامعة، مجلة دراسات العلوم التربوية ، الجامعة الأردنية، المجلد 41. | |
3 | الرواد، ذيب وحمدي، نزيه (2014) تطوير برنامج إرشاد جشطالتي وعقلي انفعالي واستقصاء فاعليتهما في خفض القلق لدى طلبة الجامعة، مجلة دراسات العلوم التربوية ، الجامعة الأردنية، المجلد 41. | |
4 | العويدي، عليا ، التاج ، هيام. ( 2014). صورة ذوي الاعاقة في الكتاب المدرسي الأردني في مرحلة ما قبل المدرسة والصفوف الأربعة الأساسية الأولى : دراسة تحليلية .مجلة التربية .جامعة الأزهر. العدد 158. | |
5 | AL-Rawwad, T. (2014). Developing a Gestalt Counseling Program and Rational Emotive Counseling Program and Investigating Their Effectiveness in Reducing Anxiety among University Students.Dirasat;Vol.41,Educational Sciences,Supplement 1,1435. | |
6 | AL-Rawwad, T. (2014). Causes of Students’ Violence at AL-Hussein Bin Talal University. International Education Studies; Vol. 7, No 3. | |
7 | AL-Rawwad, T. (2014). Convictions of Tenth Grade Students of Controversial Social Issues included in National Education and Civil Primary stage.Hebron University Research Journal-B;Vol. 9, No. | |
8 | AL-Rawwad, T. (2014).The Culture and Skills of Discourse and the Methods of promoting them from the Point of View of Graduate Students at Jordanian Universities.Mu'tah Journal for Research and Studies. | |
9 | AL-Rawwad, T. (2014). Degree of Contribution by the Principals of Ma’an Public Schools in Enhancing Teachers' Creativity. Al – Hussein Bin Talal Journal of Research. | |
10 | Banat, S. & Manaa, N. (2014). Psychological Problems of Latchkey Children while their Parents are at Work at Amman in Jordan. Journal of Al-Quds Open University. | |
11 | Jarwan, F. (2014). The Importance of Academic Acceleration of Intellectually Gifted Students: A Nation Deceived. A paper presented in the International Conference on Gifted Education in Algeria, Al- Bileeda 2 University, Nov. 29 – Dec. 1, 2014. | |
13 | Maharmeh, L., Mahmoud, A., & Sharifi, A. (2014), the level of emotional intelligence for the special education teachers in the Jordanian public schools in light of some variables from the teachers' point of view, accepted for publication, Journal of Muta for Research and Studies 10/26/2014 No. manuscript 46/5/2014 | |
14 | Mahmoud, A., & Maharmeh, L., (2014) ,Level of multiple intelligences education for teachers in Jordan, Jordan University Studies Journal, Volume 41 Issue (1). |
Number | List of Research Papers | Abstract |
1 | الحراحشة ، علاء. (2015). الدمج وعلاقته بالشعور بالانتماء لدى اباء وامهات الاطفال ذوي اضطراب التوحد بالمملكة الاردنية الهاشمية. مجلة كلية التربية. جامعة الازهر. العدد (165) المجلد 2 . | |
2 | الحراشة ، علاء (2015). فعالية برنامج علاجي لدى الاطفال ذوي اضطراب التوحد في بعض مدارس الدمج بالاردن. مجلة كلية التربية . جامعة الاسكندرية . العدد 17 , المجلد 3. | |
3 | عودة، فتحيه وحمدي، نزيه (2015). أثر برنامج إرشادي لتعديل التشويهات المعرفية لدى الزوجات في تحسين مستوى التكيف الزواجي والعلاقة مع الأبناء مجلة دراسات ،الجامعة الاردنية. | |
4 | عشا، انتصار؛ التاج ،هيام؛ العمايرة ،محمد.(2015). تقدير مستوى المشكلات الصفية لدى طلبة المرحلة الأساسية في الأردن من وجهة نظر معلميهم. مجلة الزرقاء للبحوث والدراسات الانسانية. جامعة الزرقاء الأهلية.( مقبول للنشر). | |
5 | العجيلي, شذى عبدالباقي (2015) مدى تضمين أدب الأطفال لقيم التنوع الثقافي, بحث مقدم إلى المؤتمر الثاني( التعايش الاجتماعي في ظل التنوع الثقافي الأردني). | |
6 | Al-Jarrah A. (2015). The Cultural Intelligence Level among International Students in Jordanian Universities. Educational Research Quarterly. | |
7 | Alazzi Kh.; Al-Jarrah A. (2015). Adjustment Problem Faced by Southeast Asian International Students, Studying in Jordanian Universities: Views of the Field. Journal of College Student Development. | |
8 | Al-Jarrah A.; Al-Azzi Kh.; Obeidat A. (2015). Habit of Mind: Acquisitions by Gifted and Average Seventh and Ninth Grade Jordanian Students. Psychology and Education Journal. Vol. 52. | |
9 | Al-Jarrah A.; Al- Omari W.; Alrabee, F (2015). The degree of parent's practices to learned helplessness language from the viewpoint of the students with learned helplessness. Educational and Psychological studies Journal. | |
10 | Al-Jarrah A.; Aasleh W. (2015). Social intelligence and Conflict management Strategies among high intact students and those with problematic behavior in secondary stage. Dirasat. | |
11 | Khazaleh A. (2015) The Extent of Knowledge of Primary School Teachers About Learning Disabilities. Journal of the Golf and Arabian Peninsula studies, University of Kuwait, no 156, vol 41. | |
12 | Alshawareb. I. & Halaaeh, H. (2015). FUTURE ANXIETY AMONG ISRA UNIVERSITY STUDENTS IN THE LIGHT OF SOME VARIABLES.Indian Journal of Health @Wellbeing Vol.(6) Issue (1). | |
13 | Halasa, K. & Shawareb, I. (2015). Depression among diabetic and hypertensive patients in Marj al-Hamam Health Center and Its relation with some variables. Global science Research Journals.Vol.3(5)pp.118-123. | |
14 | Milhem, S. & Masri, M.; (2015). The Effectiveness of a Training Program Based on Scientific Concepts Acquisition and Scientific Thinking Skills Development for a Jordanian Basic Stage Student’s Sample. Association of Arab Universities Journal for Education and Psychology, Publishing approval on 24. 3. 2015. | |
15 | Al Tal,Suhair, Al- Jawaldeh, Fuad. Suhaila Banat,(2015). Family atmosphere and its relationship to self efficiency perceived by people with visual disabilities in Jordan - Journal of Al-Quds Open University For Educational and Psychological Research and Studies -2015. | |
16 | Al- Jawaldeh, F., Al Tal, S., Suhaila, B. (2015). Differences in Psychosomatic Symptoms among Teachers of Children with Learning Disabilities and Autism - UOS Journal for Humanities and Social Sciences -2015. | |
17 | Banat, S., Ghaith, S., Meqdadi, M., Thaher, H., & Alaween, Kh (2015). The effectiveness of a training program to improve perceived parental efficacy among fathers and mothers in foster families. Jordan Journal for social sciences, 8,1, 109-125. | |
18 | Tayel, Hwaidy (2015). The Needs of Parents of Children’s with Disabilities, Journal for Educational & Psychological Sciences, College of Education, Bahrain University. | |
19 | Jarwan, F. (2015). Developing Policies and Programs of Creativity and Excellence: King Abdullah the 2nd Schools of Excellence. The educational Development Conference, The Ministry of Education. Amman. , August 2-3. | |
20 | Mohammad A. (2015). Psychometric Properties of a Criterion-referenced Test in Educational Research According to the Item-Response Theory, Journal of the College of Basic Education.vol.21 No.89. | |
21 | Mohammad A. (2015) .Building measure to diagnose learning difficulties.Journal of College of Education. The approval of publishing (4/6/2015) No.5. | |
22 | Melhem, S., & Mohammad A. (2015). The effectiveness of a training program based on scientific concepts acquisition and scientific thinking skills development for a Jordanian basic stage student’s sample. Journal of the Federation of Arab Universities and Educational Psychology. Approval publishing (24/3/2015). | |
23 | Baderaddin M., & Mohammad A. (2015). How to Accommodate Different Learning Styles in the Same Classroom: Analysis of Theories and Methods of Learning Styles, Canadian Social Science, vol .11, No.3. |
الملخصات | عنوان الرسالة | الرقم |
أحلام سعيد الرواحية (2017) معيقات تقديم خدمات التَّربيةِ الخاصَّةِ للمعاقين عقلياً من وجهةِ نظرِ معلميهم في سلطنة عُمان إشراف: الدكتور أحمد الخزاعله | 1 | |
أسامة رياض عبد القادر حميدي (2017) استراتيجيات تعديل السلوك المتبعة في معالجة مشكلات الطلبة ذوي الإعاقة والعاديين في عمان من وجهة نظر المعلمين في ضوء بعض المتغيرات إشراف: الدكتورة هيام التاج | 2 | |
إسراء محمد عصام عشا (2017) تقييم برامج الموهوبين لمدرسة اليوبيل للتميز في ضوء معايير الجمعية الوطنية الأمريكية لتعليم الموهوبين إشراف: الدكتورة لينا المحارمة | 3 | |
الهام كمال أحمد الفياض (2017) الذكاء العاطفي وعلاقته بأنماط التنشئة الأسرية لدى الطلبة الموهوبين في المرحلة الأساسية العليا إشراف: الأستاذ الدكتور فتحي جروان | 4 | |
آمنة بنت عبدالله بن محمد البلوشية (2017) دلالات الصّدق والثّبات للصورة الأردنية المعربة لمقياس (ASRS) لتشخيص أطفال اضطراب طيف التّوحد إشراف: الدكتور فؤاد الجوالده | 5 | |
إيناس عبد الباري خليل أبو الحاج (2017) الذكاء العاطفي وعلاقته بأنماط التنشئة الأسرية لدى الطلبة الموهوبين في المرحلة الأساسية العليا إشراف: الدكتورة لينا المحارمة | 6 | |
بدر الدين علي بني إسماعيل (2017) أنماط التعلم وعلاقتها بالتفكير لدى الطلبة ذوي صعوبات التعلم إشراف: الدكتور أحمد خزاعله | 7 | |
بيان عصام أبو سيف (2017) فاعليه برنامج إرشادي أسري لأمهات أطفال اضطراب طيف التوحد في خفض الضغط النفسي لديهن إشراف: الدكتور فؤاد الجوالده | 8 | |
بيان محمد الغليلات (2017) فاعلية برنامج تدريبي مستند إلى التعزيز الرمزي في تنمية مهارات الانتباه السمعي والبصري لذوي اضطراب طيف التوحد إشراف: الدكتور فؤاد الجوالده | 9 | |
بيان يحيى الحديد (2017) المشكلات الاجتماعية والانفعالية وعلاقتها بالتكيف النفسي لدى إخوة ذوي اضطراب التوحد إشراف: الدكتورة سهير التل | 10 | |
جيهان عبدالله الطالب (2017) أثر استخدام استراتيجية خط الأعداد في حل بعض المسائل اللفظية في مادة الرياضيات لدى الطلبة ذوي صعوبات التعلم في مدارس محافظة الطفيلة إشراف: الدكتور فؤاد الجوالده | 11 | |
رأفت علي المصري (2017) أثر استخدام استراتيجية خط الأعداد في حل بعض المسائل اللفظية في مادة الرياضيات لدى الطلبة ذوي صعوبات التعلم في مدارس محافظة الطفيلة إشراف: الدكتورة هيام التاج | 12 | |
رنا فتحي كايد العمايرة (2017) فاعلية برنامج مُحوسب قائم على لُغة الإشارة في مادّة التّربية الإسلاميّة لتَحسين مُستوى التّحصيل الأكاديميّ لدّى طَلَبة الصّف الثّاني الأساسيّ الصُّم إشراف: الدكتورة هيام التاج | 13 | |
روان صالح عبد الحميد طلافحة (2017) تقييمُ مستوى خدماتِ التَّربيةِ الخاصَّةِ لذوي اضطرابِ طيفِ التَّوحدِ في مُخيمِ الزَّعتري في الأردن من وجهةِ نظرِ مقدمي الخدماتِ إشراف: الدكتور نبيل حميدان | 14 | |
صُفية عدنان بجعة (2017) أثرُتنوعِ البيئاتِ والمنهج التكاملي النَّمائي في الشفاءِ من أعراض اضطرابِ طيفِ التَّوحد إشراف: الدكتورة لينا المحارمة | 15 | |
طارق سليمان الدويكات (2017) فاعلية إستراتيجية التعلم عن طريق اللعب في تنمية مهارات حل المسائل اللفظية الرياضية لدى طلبة صعوبات التعلم في الأردن إشراف: الدكتور فؤاد الجوالده | 16 | |
عبد العزيز بن علي بن هلال السعدي (2017) التنمر المدرسي وعلاقته بالتكيف النفسي والاجتماعي لدى طلبة صعوبات التعلم في سلطنة عُمان إشراف: الدكتور أحمد الخزاعله | 17 | |
عبد المحسن محمد البذيلي (2017) مستوى الخدمات المقدمة للطلبة ذوي اضطراب طيف التوحد وعلاقته بالرضا الحياتي لأسرهم في المملكة العربية السعودية إشراف: الدكتورة سهير التل | 18 | |
علاء محمد علي الجوابره (2017) المشكلات السلوكية والانفعالية التي يعاني منها أطفال مخيم الزعتري في الأردن إشراف: الدكتورة سهير التل | 19 | |
علي عبد الرحمن محمد إسماعيل (2017) استخدام نموذج تقدير الملاحظة المبكرة للتعلم (ELORS) في الكشف عن صعوبات التعلم إشراف: الدكتورة لينا المحارمة | 20 | |
فداء جمال الدين البهبهاني (2017) مستوى الوعي الذاتي وعلاقته بنوعية الحياة لدى والدي أطفال اضطراب طيف التوحد في محافظة العاصمة عمان إشراف: الدكتور أحمد الخزاعله | 21 | |
منار محمود محي الدين الرويلي (2017) مستوى مشكلات التكامل الحسي لذوي اضطراب طيف التوحد في محافظة العاصمة عمان من وجهة نظر المعلمين وطرق علاجهم إشراف: الدكتورة سهير التل | 22 | |
نادر ماجد محمد حمادنه (2017) أثر استراتيجية التدريس القائمة على التقويم التكويني في تحسين الممارسات التربوية لمعلمي التربية الخاصة إشراف: الأستاذ الدكتور سامي ملحم | 23 | |
يوسف أحمد صالح الصمادي (2017) تقييم برنامج التطبيق الميداني بالتربية الخاصة من وجهة نظر الطلبة في الجامعات الخاصة إشراف: الدكتور طايل الهويدي | 24 |