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News & Events

السباق الأكاديمي بين الواقع والطموح
  The Academic Race between Reality and Ambition By: Prof. Dr. Younes Megdadi A few years ago, we noticed a change in the…
"عمان العربية " تشارك في مؤتمر "دلني" الأول
  Amman Arab University Participates in the First Delnee Conference Amman - Amman Arab University participated in the first "…
التعليم المهني والثقافة المجتمعية
  Vocational Education and Societal Culture By: Prof. Dr. Younes Megdadi, Many observers of the labor market need found that…
القلم وصناعة الأجيال
  The Pen and the Industry of Generations By: Prof. Dr. Younes Megdadi,   Amman Arab University God Almighty says in His Noble…