The Pen and the Industry of Generations
By: Prof. Dr. Younes Megdadi, Amman Arab University
God Almighty says in His Noble Book, “The Pen and what they write” (Al-Qalam 1), as well as what was revealed from God Almighty to our Great Master and Noble Messenger Muhammad bin Abdullah, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, and he says in it: “Read in the name of your God who created creation, Read, and your God is the most generous, Who taught by the pen, He taught man what he did not know” (Al-Alaq 1-5). This is a clear divine testimony about the importance of the pen for man and the nation as a tool in codifying science and knowledge to employ them in all aspects of life and to elevate and civilize people and societies.
We all believe that the pen is the real key to enable man to acquire knowledge, knowledge and educating as a weapon that is used for many purposes, and in the end, an achievement of what is called a paradigm shift to solve all the obstacles and problems of life and its requirements, not to mention the intellectual and civilized elevation that we see as an acquired right that generations aspire to be a maker of the future with their knowledge, thought and culture mixed I love work and change so that the wheel of life can continue with a determination and a will revered by the values of science, religion and morals, all of which are made by the pen.
We all admit that the pen is the maker of educational attainment, and the path of our professional and personal life, and many more, which indicates that our use of the pen is not a tool, but rather a means for ends that transcend our lives for longevity. For his fulfillment of the message of the Most High, which brought man to visit the surface of the moon, obtain Nobel Prizes, inventions in many fields, discoveries and scientific research, and jurisprudence in religion, humanities, social, economic, political and other sciences.
Despite everything that the pen has done, we find ourselves today somewhat moving away from its importance and role, especially in light of the technological development that we are witnessing with all its customs and techniques, which constituted a clear shift from the human being towards it for its role and advantages, which lost the role of the pen as we used to. Today, for example, we find that the student of knowledge is not primarily interested in the pen except when necessary due to the sources of electronic learning via the Internet, e-books, printing and preparing his duties electronically, even the process of using the pen of all kinds in the educational process began to be limited in light of modern technologies, not to mention For many official, commercial and functional transactions, all of which do not need a pen, but an electronic signature, which is the legal guide for conducting transactions of all kinds and purposes.
Despite the advantages and disadvantages of technological development, but soon we will find ourselves losing many of the advantages of the pen in developing the skill of writing, the skill of expressing the ideas that our minds circulate of interest to all of us, and other mental skills, which have resulted in a general weakness in the current generations in writing and expression and others. And this is indeed what we are all witnessing in school, university, and at work, because of our distance from the pen, as it is the tool responsible for making the mental formulations of the human being. Because of its importance in creating generations, which is no less important than modern technological techniques.