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Community Service

The first project

Visual Arts Centre.
A visual arts center.. Prepared by the student Marwa Juma in the city of Salt.. The project to express arts and neurological paintings.. In addition to the rest of the other visual arts, sculpture, drawing and photography.. It contains external and internal exhibitions and ceremonies. And educational rooms that embody the idea of the opposite of what is inside us.. in the form of beautiful paintings and sculptures without restrictions under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Hanan Ahmed.

The second project

Children's talent development center
Prepared by the student Razan Al-Nayef, the geographical location, under the supervision of Professor Dr. Hanan Ahmed

Third project

Technology Center for Environmental Future Events.
Location: Jordan Street _ Al-Khazna neighborhood _ opposite the Center for Environment and Development. Prepared by the student Waad Jihad
The project pointed to the diffuse spread in the national elections facing the elections.
As well as allowing all people who are just looking to peek into the beautiful future on a journey through the future and restores hope and knowledge to the provision of public protection and social welfare. Under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Hanan Ahmed

Fourth project

Research center for genetic engineering and genes. The project site, Al-Qastal, was prepared by the student Suad Al-Nafeh. The project aims to study and test genetic diseases in order to reach an appropriate treatment.. In addition to providing an infrastructure in the field of genetics and life sciences under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Hanan Ahmed>

Fifth project

Research in organic agriculture - marketing research - the Salt site - prepared by the student Siham Johar - allocating the organic food database for its lack in Jordan. The fruit of the food investment process in the field of food.

Sixth project

Addiction treatment and rehabilitation center
Location: Amman - Shafa Badran - Um Sheetrit - Prepared by the student Manar Kayed
Importance of the project: Addiction and mental disorders are among the dangers facing our society. It found that the number of people diagnosed with addiction was significantly greater due to technology, media, and the problems with which it appeared.
- Helping injured people. Raising the level of awareness towards the Jordanian society and raising the cultural and medical level in the country.

The seventh project

Center for educational astronomical observations - prepared by the student, Somar Al-Hussein
Studying at an astronomical observing center, they are observing the study, observing the study, the study, the study, the study, the study, the study, the study and the scientific research.
The project aims to follow up astronomical events in scientific research, local and international institutions in astronomy and space sciences, and a tourist attraction center for those interested in astronomical tourism, under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Hanan Ahmed.

The eighth project

Hope Center for Parental Loss
* Prepared by the student Saja Al-Bastanji, where the project seeks to embrace the homeless child and teenager and put them in a family atmosphere and try to compensate the children
Supervision Prof. Dr. Hanan Mohamed Ahmed

The ninth project

A complex of banking, banking and stock exchange businesses - prepared by the student Ahmed Daameh - the project led to more than one positive point, the most important of which is providing banks to collect them in one place.
- To be a building and a financial market in itself by bringing together Jordanian banks and the most important banks in the Middle East
Providing the largest number of training and training opportunities for students of the Faculty of Financial Sciences in its majors and in the field of business administration
The location of the project is the Medical City Street, near the Khalda roundabout