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Amman Arab" University Organizes a Training Workshop on SPSS Software and Its Importance in Scientific Research

صيدلة "عمان العربية" تنظم ورشة تدريبية على مستوى الجامعة حول برمجية SPSS وأهميتها في البحث العلمي


Amman Arab" University Organizes a Training Workshop on SPSS Software and Its Importance in Scientific Research

The Faculty of Pharmacy at Amman Arab University organized a training workshop titled "Fundamentals of Using SPSS Software in Scientific Research", delivered by Dr. Mai Al-Hawamdeh.

The workshop addressed the importance of the SPSS program as a key tool for accurate data analysis and improving the quality of research, with a focus on pharmaceutical and medical fields. The workshop included a theoretical part on the basics of using the program and a practical part to train students on data entry and analysis using examples from pharmaceutical research.