fbpxAmman Arab University is the first and third in the Sustainability and Green Chemistry | Amman Arab University

Amman Arab University is the first and third in the Sustainability and Green Chemistry

جامعة عمان العربية تحصد المركزين الأول والثالث في هاكاثون الاستدامة والكيمياء الخضراء


Amman Arab University is the first and third in the Sustainability and Green Chemistry

AAU has achieved advanced positions in the Sustainability and Green Chemistry Hackathon, winning first and third places, that arranged by Royal Scientific Society between 15 – 16 November 2024 with participant of Jordanian universities, institutions and companies.

The faculty of pharmacy team in AAU represented by Dr. Asma’a Abu Taha gained the 1st place on their Innovative project in.On the other hand, student Nour Al-Huda Al-Mustafa from the College of Engineering and her team won third place in their project titled “Wastewater Treatment System and Transforming It into Water Suitable for Self-Use and Utilizing the Outcomes of the Process with Other Products and Materials.