A scientific Visit by College of Pharmacy of "Amman Arab University" students to the Blessed Tree Company
In line with the objectives of Amman Arab University to raise the efficiency of alumni and provide them with practical skills that serve the community and the labor market, the Dean of the College of Pharmacy, Professor .Rana Abu Huwaj directed the college students of the 5th grade to visit the (BT Pharma)For medical requirements, food supplies and cosmetics at Salt.
The general manager of the company, Dr. Fadi Dabour, welcomed the idea of the visit and expressed his willingness to cooperate in order to provide knowledge to the students. During the visit, the students were received by Mr. Suhaib Odeh, the deputy general manager, who gave them a brief explanation of the company's products and the tests that the pharmaceutical products undergo.
Then the students embarked on a tour of the company’s departments, accompanied by the production manager, which included learning about the method of receiving the raw materials, the tests they are subjected to, the method of storing them, and then how to withdraw them to be included in the production process. They visited the liquid products department and followed up on the method of producing iron and vitamin B12 and the method of packaging. Then the students went to the quality department to see the checks that the drugs undergo before being approved for distribution to the markets. The tour ended with a visit to the research and development department.
At the end of the visit, the supervisor accompanying the students, the chemical engineer, Aisha Jarrah, on behalf of the Amman Arab University, expressed her thanks and appreciation to the management of the Blessed Tree Company for their kind reception and cooperation, and the great opportunity they provided for their students to open new horizons to acquire practical professional skills through which they can compete more strongly in the labor market in the Pharmaceutical industrial sector.