The College of Law in "Amman Arab University" Holds the First mock Trial Competition in Electoral Appeals
Amman - Under the auspices of His Excellency Dr. Omar Mashhour Haditha Al-Jazi, Chairman of the Board of Trustees of Amman Arab University, and in cooperation with the Independent Election Commission, and with the support of Dar Al-Thaqafa for Publishing and Distribution, the College of Law at Amman Arab University held the first mock trial competition entitled "Electoral Appeals According to the Modern Legislative System" in the presence of Prof. Mohamad Al-Widyan, the President of the University, the deans of the faculties, the faculty members and the students of the college with the aim of empowering law students with the necessary skills for the labor market, providing the justice system with competencies and providing students with practical knowledge, skills and values.
In this regard, Dr. Al-Jazi stressed the need for student participation in mock trials that enhance students' skills by linking theory and practice in simulating such applied trials. In the competition, he said: “Love your country, there is no backward country, the backward country is the one whose people fail to love it.” He added to the students’ advice: “Be realistic and ask for the impossible.” He also praised the efforts made by all faculty members in the College of Law and the Moot Court Committee in Preparing and implementing the competition.
In turn, a member of the Board of Commissioners of the Independent Election Commission, Dr. Raed Al-Adwan, praised the constant keenness of Amman Arab University and the active role in political and electoral awareness. Al-Adwan clarified the details of the next stage in light of the participation of parties in the democratic process according to the new electoral law.
In turn, Prof. Muhannad Abu Mughali, Dean of the College of Law at Amman Arab University, stressed the importance of the competition and other programs in developing students’ skills and directing them to the labor market, loaded with the capabilities that distinguish them, which are consistent with the University’s vision and mission in pioneering to refine students’ skills and knowledge and help them face professional life.
For his part, the Chairman of the Court Committee, Dr. Sultan Al-Atain, confirmed the endeavors of the College of Law at the University to establish an applied clinical legal education program, which is implemented by the Court Committee at the College of Law at Amman Arab University. He said that this program is an educational program that was established based on the methodology of Interactive teaching, and its main objective is to provide law students with applied practical knowledge as well as to educate them, educate them, and enrich them with the information they need, which is the dynamic style of learning, which is described as “experiential learning” or “learning by doing.” He indicated that the competition consisted of 3 rounds, in which 30 male and female students competed. Divided into 11 teams.
At the end of the competition, Al-Atain announced the results of the competition, where the first place was won by the student Muhammad Al-Azzam, the student Lynn Al-Asoud, and the student Majd Al-Muzain, who performed a distinguished performance in the art of pleadings, and the second place was won by the student Islam Hani Abu Fares, the student Rakan Al-Zureikat and the student Rahaf Hussein .