Amman Arab University Participates in the Activities of (GEDS) in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Under the directives of the President of Amman Arab University, Prof. Mohamad Al-Widyan, Amman Arab University participated in the International University Education Exhibition (GEDS) held in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia / Jeddah, within the framework of the University's endeavor to achieve a regional and international presence and attract students for bachelor's and master's programs. It is worth mentioning that the students of Amman Arab University represent (27) different nationalities, as the University is keen to attract all nationalities to achieve diversity, spread and openness to different cultures and to enhance the presence of the university’s name as a representative of Jordanian higher education in line with the government’s plan to attract foreign students to study in Jordan.
The activities of the exhibition were inaugurated by Counselor Ali Abdullah Al-Otaibi as a representative of the Director of Education in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia / Jeddah. Dr. Muhammad Nassar / Director of the Marketing Department at the Amman Arab University represented Amman Arab University in this international exhibition, accompanied by Mr. Muhammad Bani Yassin from the Deanship of Student Affairs. Dr. Nassar gave a brief presentation about Amman Arab University and its distinguished integration of augmented reality technologies integrated into the education process in all University colleges. He reviewed the smart environment for all classrooms in the University, which allows recording, broadcasting and access to all lectures that are implemented in the classrooms automatically for students. To contribute to raising their achievement and achieving the learning outcomes, pointing out that all classrooms include interactive smart boards and screens and an integrated set of technologies that transform these halls into recording and television broadcasting studios.
Amman Arab University section in the exibition was also visited by the Ambassador of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan in Jeddah, Permanent Consul Jaafar Muhammad Jaafar, who praised the participation of Amman Arab University and the exceptional level in providing modern technologies to its students. It is noteworthy that the Amman Arab University finished building its digital twin in the world of Metaverse called LivaatVerse in cooperation with UBitc as the first university in the Arab world and North Africa to enter the world of Metaverse effectively and one of the first universities in the world.
The University is moving to a new stage in the coming period by providing integrated virtual classrooms within the digital twin, enabling students to enter lectures and interact within them through their virtual personalities (Avatar) in an interactive environment whose possibilities are endless. The university will also provide virtual registration services through its digital twin for students.
It is noteworthy that the Amman Arab University focuses on providing specializations that meet the needs of the local and regional labor market and is unique in specializations at the level of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan and the region.