Amman Arab University Organizes the Second Orphan Iftar
Coping with the role of Amman Arab University in community service and social responsibility, College of Arts and Sciences, in cooperation with the Deanship of Student Affairs at the University, organized the second Ramadan Iftar for orphan children in Amman Mall for more than (80) orphan children from the villages surrounding the University (Marsa’a, Mobus, Salhoub, Qaryat Abu Naseer, Umm Rummaneh, Umm Sindyana, Tal Rumman) in coordination with the Dawata Afnan Charity Association, in the presence of the Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences, Dr. Wafa’ Al-Eid, Dean of Student Affairs, Dr. Khaled Bani Hamdan, the Assistant Dean of Student Affairs, Dr. Mishaal Al-Jarrah, teaching and administrative staff ,the Deanship of Affairs team, Students and volunteers. The Iftar party included many entertainment and recreational games for orphaned children.
Dr. Bani Hamdan welcomed the attendees and conveyed to them the greetings of the University President, Prof. Mohamad Al-Widyan, and praised the participation in such fruitful initiatives. At the end of the Iftar, on behalf of the University President, Dr. Wafa’ Al-Eid and Dr. Khaled Bani Hamdan honored the administration of Amman Mall, represented by Dr. Kawkab Al-Tamimi, and the Dawata Afnan Association, represented by Mrs. Basimah Abu Jaber. The Mall administration and the Association were thanked for the implementation of the Iftar and for their generous contribution to this event.