Advanced Training Workshop on Diabetes for "Amman Arab University" Students
The Deanship of Student Affairs / Career Guidance and Alumni Follow-up Office at Amman Arab University, in cooperation with the College of Pharmacy, held a training workshop entitled "Professional pharmacy practice of diabetes type I and type II" presented by Dr. May Al-Hawamda from the Faculty of Pharmacy at the University. The implementation of holding of that workshop is regarded as one of the training workshops implemented by the office within the student’s skills portfolio, which qualifies the student for the labor market. The training course related to diabetes dealt with several themes: definition of diabetes, its types, symptoms, causes and complications, symptoms of low blood sugar and Its height and how to deal with patients in terms of giving them pharmaceutical advice or appropriate treatment. Methods for treating diabetes in both the first and second types were presented. All therapeutic items available in the Jordanian and international market were presented, and the most important points related to their methods of use and side effects. At the end of the workshop, questions and suggestions were exchanged between Students and lecturers All students' inquiries about the topic of the workshop were answered.