"Jordanian Family" Seminar at Amman Arab University
The Cultural Committee, in cooperation with the Cultural Committee at the College of Educational and Psychological Sciences at Amman Arab University, organized a seminar entitled "The Jordanian Family" on the Arab Family Day, in the presence of retired Brigadier General, Mr. Mohammed Al-Zoubi, Assistant Secretary-General for Technical Affairs of the National Council for Family Affairs, and Brigadier Al-awamleh ,Director of Family and Juvenile Protection Department.
During the seminar, Mr. Al-Zoubi talked about the National Council for Family, the services it provides to Jordanian families, , achievements of the Council, and how to support the family in all fields. In turn, Al-Awaal talked about the management of family protection and the nature of the cases they deal with.
At the end of the meeting, Prof. Suhaila Banat, Chairman of the Cultural Committee at the university level, Dr. Hyam Al-Taj, Dean of the College of Educational and Psychological Sciences, and Dr. Khaled Bani Hamdan, Dean of Student Affairs, presented the appreciation shields to the guests of the seminar.