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College of Pharmacy at "Amman Arab University" Encourages Creative, Innovation and Distinction

صيدلة "عمان العربية" تشجع طلبتها على الإبداع والابتكار والتميز


College of Pharmacy at "Amman Arab University" Encourages Creative, Innovation and Distinction

Amman - Based on the keenness of the College of Pharmacy at Amman Arab University and in pursuit of strengthening channels of communication and effective dialogue with students, Prof. Rana Abu Hweij, Dean of the College of Pharmacy, met with the college students to experience the academic conditions of the students and to stand at the most important challenges facing the students’ educational process and their most important needs and proposals to raise quality of their educational attainment.

Prof. Abu Hweij presented the achievements made by the College of Pharmacy by integrating the theoretical and practical sides to provide graduates who are able to compete in the labor market, and added to the necessity of adhering to an ethical system during work, since the profession of pharmacy is a profession related to human health and life.

During the meeting, Prof. Abu Hweij discussed ways to address obstacles and challenges, and then answered many of the students' inquiries and urged them to adhere to and follow up with the academic advisor and the need to nurture their portfolio of specialized and personal skills that distinguish them from others and achieve leadership and distinction for the vision of the college. At the end of the meeting, she thanked the students for their interaction and suggestions.