Amman Arab University Issues Journal of educational, administrative and legal chains
The second issue of the seventh volume of the educational and administrative sciences series and the second issue of the fourth volume of the legal sciences series, which are refereed scientific journals issued by the Deanship of Scientific Research and Graduate Studies at Amman Arab University, were published twice annually.
The editor-in-chief, Dean of Scientific Research and Graduate Studies, Prof. Ismail Yamin, said that the journal is indexed with a number of international databases such as Ebscohost: Mawarefa, Dar Al-Manthama, and Shamaa, in addition to the J-Gate database.
Yamin confirmed that the publications of the refereed scientific journals come within the framework of the university's goals, and that the journal's editorial board has some time ago begun to follow the procedures for listing the journal in the SCOPUS databases.
These series included research from various national and Arab universities, which were approved after being judged within the procedures and publishing rules of the journal. Soon, the journal’s website will be launched, where researchers will be able to view the progress of their research arbitration electronically, as it is expected to be at the beginning of next year. It was also announced to researchers and students that the Amman Arab University Journal of Research has become accredited to the University of Jordan.