fbpxPresident of "Amman Arab University" Meets Writer and Activist Sana Al-Salem, one of the Distinguished Graduates of Amman Arab University | Amman Arab University

President of "Amman Arab University" Meets Writer and Activist Sana Al-Salem, one of the Distinguished Graduates of Amman Arab University

رئيس "عمان العربية" يلتقي الكاتبة والناشطة سنا السالم أحدى خريجات جامعة عمان العربية المتميزات


President of "Amman Arab University" Meets Writer and Activist Sana Al-Salem, one of the Distinguished Graduates of Amman Arab University

Amman: Coping withy the policy of Amman Arab University in honoring its distinguished students and encouraging them to achieve more achievements, the President of Amman Arab University, Prof. Dr. Muhammad Al-Wadian, honored the student and psychological counselor Sana Al-Salem in his office, in the presence of the Assistant to the President for Financial and Administrative Affairs, Mrs. Nadia Al-Qadimat and Mr. Anas Kasu from the Department of Information and Public Relations  .

Dr. Al-Widyan expressed his pride in the distinguished graduates of the university in their field of work and said that the university always seeks to honor its students at all levels, which aims to raise the name of the university and achieve the slogan of leadership and excellence through its distinguished students in various fields.

It is noteworthy that the student, Sana Al-Salem, holds a high diploma in management and a master’s degree in psychological and educational counseling from Amman Arab University, with distinction.  different lives, to achieve their goals and enrich their relationships, either through group exercises or individual sessions.

Al-Salem has published four books: The first: Your Life, Your Decision, which contains 101 decisions in the field of life skills, decisions that help you develop yourself, and the second: Your vision of life, a book that contains 102 life angles for employing and applying life skills.

And the third: An Iron Woman Revealed Behind Bars, a book that contains thoughts that mimic the feelings of women in various social roles and works to send awareness messages to the family in general, and the fourth: A Journey Inside A book that contains eight keys to happiness distributed among 103 practical exercises and actual applications to acquire these keys.

Al-Salem expressed her happiness with this gesture from the university and the meeting with its president and return to the university, expressing her willingness to put all her experiences in the service of the university, and said that her mission in life is to help the largest number of people to live happily and successfully.