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Amman Arab University Hosts an International Expert in Cloud Computing and Electronic Systems

"عمان العربية" تستضيف خبير دولي في الحوسبة السحابية والنظم الإلكترونية ‏


Amman Arab University Hosts an International Expert in Cloud Computing and Electronic Systems
 As part of its endeavors to cope with the developments in the field of information and communication technology and to meet the needs of the labor market, Faculty of Computer Sciences and Informatics at Amman Arab University hosted the international expert in cloud computing and electronic systems, Dr. Intisar Al-Ramli, who presented a specialized workshop in the field of cloud computing and its future applications. 

 For their part, the faculty members at the college stressed the importance of attending such workshops that support the college and university plans by qualifying students and providing them with practical skills and increasing their chances of obtaining suitable jobs by updating study plans and directing the courses taught to the actual needs of the labor market requirements.
 It is noteworthy that Dr. Intisar holds a master's degree in laser applications and a doctorate in electronic systems engineering from the United Kingdom for more than 35 years, and has worked as a research professor in many universities, and has many patents, and her company, Meridex Software Corporation, specialized in computing and information, works on many  of international research projects