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Legal Oath of Pharmacy students at "Amman Arab University" 

Legal Oath of Pharmacy students at "Amman Arab University" 

 Amman- Faculty of Pharmacy at Amman Arab University held the legal oath ceremony for its students, in front of the Vice President for Academic Affairs, Prof. Ikhlas Al-Tarawneh, the Vice President of the Jordanian Pharmacists Syndicate Raafat Abu Saleh, the Dean of the Faculty of Pharmacy, Prof. Khaled Al-Jaf, and a group of parents 

Prof. Al-Jaf said in his speech that on this joyful and wonderful day, I congratulate you, graduates, pharmacists, and the families who sacrificed for you, dear and precious, and from now you are qualified pharmacists and colleagues. He added, we hope that you have a good opinion, directing the graduates to abide by the oath you perform and to be human the most valuable thing in your venerable profession is in order to earn God’s approval, as the opportunity for creativity, development and excellence is in front of you.

 For her part, Prof. Al-Tarawneh praised the graduates of this distinguished faculty, which provides our Jordanian and Arab society with qualified and efficient pharmaceutical cadres capable of serving their communities with high professionalism.

 Student Rasha al-Momani said, “We felt great concern for our future from our lofty University, and we slept on a dream, and here we have achieved it, which is reaching the moment of graduation, and reap the fruits of our struggle with knowledge, light, and testimony with which we decorate our lives to be achievers for our dear country, Jordan, and to complete the path of our professors in building a future."  Zaher, and when we mention the name of our university, the University of Leadership and Excellence, we mention an edifice that has an immortal imprint in the educational field.