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Karmal Your Health at Amman Arab University

Karmal Your Health at Amman Arab University

 The “We are the Future” initiative, in cooperation with Amman Arab University, held a free medical day on the campus of the College of Pharmacy on Sunday 27/3/2022, as a continuation of the comprehensive medical campaign “Jordanian forearms with a royal vision” under the title (Karmal Your Health), which was launched for chaste residing families  In the homes of chaste families, which were established with a sublime royal generosity, with facilities and support from the Royal Hashemite Court.
  The medical day included the following clinics: women, children, psychiatry, dermatology, orthopedics, internal medicine, diabetes, teeth, eyes, hearing, children's speech and learning difficulties, medical examinations and nutritional advice.
 The participants of the medical day presented in-kind gifts and free medical glasses to the auditors.
The opening was attended by a representative of the Royal Hashemite Court, in the presence of the Vice President of the University, the Dean of Student Affairs, the Dean of the College of Pharmacy, and a number of academics and university employees.
 At the end of the medical day, Dr. Lara Burqan honored the official authorities and the volunteers participating in the campaign, including consultants and pharmacists from the private and public sectors, as their number reached seventy doctors and pharmacists.
 It is worth noting that the number of beneficiaries of the medical day reached 320, distributed from the residences of chaste families, the local community, students and employees of the university.