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تربوية "عمان العربية" تحتفل بعيد الاستقلال الـــــ "77"
  Faculty of Educational and Psychological Sciences at Amman Arab University Celebrates the "77th" Independence Day As part of…
ندوة علمية بعنوان "منشورات بحثية" لطلبة جامعة عمان العربية
  A Scientific Symposium in “Research Publications" for Students of Amman Arab University Department of English Language and…
زيارة علمية لطلبة صيدلة "عمان العربية" لشركة الشجرة المباركة
  A scientific Visit by College of Pharmacy of "Amman Arab University" students to the Blessed Tree Company In line with the…
تربوية "عمّان العربية" تنفذ محاضرة حول "مهارات الاتصال والتواصل"
  College of Educational and Psychological Sciences at Amman Arab University Implements a Lecture on "Communication Skills"…