fbpxAcademic Promotion | Amman Arab University
ترقية الدكتور العساف في "عمان العربية" إلى رتبة أستاذ مشارك

Dr. Anwar Al-Assaf Promoted to Associate Professor at Amman Arab University

  Dr. Anwar Al-Assaf Promoted to Associate Professor at Amman Arab University The Deans’ council at Amman Arab University has…
ترقية الدكتور الزعبي في "عمان العربية" إلى رتبة أستاذ مشارك

Dr. Sharaf Al-Zu'bi Promoted to Associate Professor at Amman Arab University

  Dr. Sharaf Al-Zu'bi Promoted to Associate Professor at Amman Arab University The Council of Deans at Amman Arab University…
ترقية الدكتور العتيبي في "عمان العربية" إلى رتبة أستاذ مشارك

Promoting Dr. Mutib Alotaibi to Associate Professor at "Amman Arab University"

  Promoting Dr. Mutib Alotaibi to Associate Professor at "Amman Arab University" The Deans’ Council at Amman Arab University…
ترقية الدكتور عياصره في "عمان العربية" إلى رتبة أستاذ مشارك

Dr. Ayasra Promoted to Associate Professor at Amman Arab University

  Dr. Ayasra Promoted to Associate Professor at Amman Arab University Dr.Samer Motalq Ayasra has been promoted to Associate…
ترقية الدكتورة العيد في "عمان العربية" إلى رتبة أستاذ مشارك

“Amman Arab University” Promotes Dr. Al-Eid to the Rank of Associate Professor

  “Amman Arab University” Promotes Dr. Al-Eid to the Rank of Associate Professor Amman - The Council of Deans of Amman Arab…
ترقية الدكتورة الصوري في "عمان العربية" إلى رتبة أستاذ مشارك

“Amman Arab University” Promotes Dr. Al-Souri to the Rank of Associate Professor

  “Amman Arab University” Promotes Dr. Al-Souri to the Rank of Associate Professor Amman - The Council of Deans of Amman Arab…