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News & Events

أعمال "عمان العربية" تطلق مبادرة "أرسم ابتسامة 2"
  College of Business "Amman Arab University” Launches "Draw a Smile 2" Initiative As part of the series of charitable…
زيارة لـ "أعمال عمان العربية" لشركة برومين الأردن
  College of Business at Amman Arab University Visits Jordan Bromine Company Amman Arab University organized a field visit for…
بحضور السفير اليمني مناقشة رسائل ماجستير في "عمان العربية" لطلبة يمنيين
  In the Presence of the Yemeni ambassador, M.A theses at "Amman Arab University" for Yemeni Students Amman - The Yemeni…
أعمال "عمّان العربية " تنظم زيارة ميدانية للبوتاس العربية
  Amman Arab University Organizes a Field Visit to Arab Potash Students of the Accounting Department at the College of…