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Amman Arab University Participates in the Sixth International Conference on Educational and Human Sciences

تربوية "عمان العربية" تشارك في المؤتمر الدولي السادس للعلوم التربوية والإنسانية


Amman Arab University Participates in the Sixth International Conference on Educational and Human Sciences

Amman Arab University participated in the Sixth International Conference titled “Educational and Human Sciences in Light of Modern Global Developments,” organized by the International Organization for Sustainable Development. The conference was held over three days in the city of Madaba.

The university was represented at the conference by Dr. Wafa Al-Eid, Dean of the Faculty of Educational and Psychological Sciences, and Professor Dr. Suhaila Binat, a faculty member of the college. They presented a research paper discussing the negative effects of social media usage by university students. The conference witnessed broad participation from numerous experts and specialists in the field of educational sciences.