fbpxAmman Arab University Launches IEEE Student Branch | Amman Arab University

Amman Arab University Launches IEEE Student Branch

جامعة عمان العربية تفتتح الفرع الطلابي لمنظمة IEEE وتستعرض ابتكارات الطلبة في مجالات الهندسة والتكنولوجيا


Amman Arab University Launches IEEE Student Branch

Amman Arab University (AAU) launched its IEEE Student Branch. The event featured an exhibition where students from various universities presented innovative projects in engineering, technology, and robotics. Leading companies in technology, industry, and education also participated, offering students valuable opportunities to connect with experts and explore the latest advancements. The program included company presentations and interactive discussions, enriching students’ learning experience.

IEEE, founded in 1963, is the world’s largest professional organization dedicated to technological development, with over 400,000 members globally and many university branches aimed at supporting students and fostering innovation.