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Free medical day at Amman Arab University

Free medical day at Amman Arab University

 Under the patronage of the President of Amman Arab University, Prof. Mohamad Al-Widyan, who delegated the Vice-President for Academic Affairs, Prof. Ikhlas Al-Tarawneh, to open the activities of the free medical day, in cooperation with the “We are the Future” initiative on the university campus, as a continuation of the comprehensive medical campaign “Jordanian forearms with a royal vision” (Karmal Your Health), which  It was launched for chaste families residing in chaste families' residences, which was established by a sublime royal generosity with facilities and support from the Royal Hashemite Court.

 At the beginning of the day, Dr. Khaled Bani Hamdan, Dean of Student Affairs, welcomed the attendees and sponsor of the ceremony and thanked the supporters of the activity. In her turn, Prof. Al-Tarawneh said: We have entrusted in our dear homeland the Hashemite honors in various fields and in all aspects of life.  
 It is worth noting that the number of beneficiaries of the medical day reached 320 distributors from the residences of chaste families, the local community, students and employees of the university.