College of Pharmacy at Amman Arab University Organizes a “Step by Step to Quit Smoking” Workshop
College of Pharmacy at Amman Arab University, in cooperation with the Deanship of Student Affairs and the Office of Career Guidance and Graduate Follow-up at the University, organized a training workshop entitled “Step by Step to Quit Smoking,” which comes from the University’s belief in the dangers of smoking and in implementation of the Public Health Law and the prohibition of smoking in public institutions and bodies.
The workshop aimed to train anti-smoking liaison officers at the University to provide the main points of step-by-step assistance to quit smoking, through pharmacist Adeyan Al-Karawi and pharmacist Furqan Al-Karawi, graduates of the College of Pharmacy at Amman Arab University who have distinguished experience in dealing with smokers.
The workshop included an introduction to the forms of smoking, its harms, and its danger to health, the environment, and the economy. The focus was on the dangers of smoking on the various body systems, including the respiratory, circulatory, and immune systems, and addiction to the smoker and those around him due to passive smoking. Effective strategies were presented to help smokers stop smoking, in addition to ways to prevent smoking. This is a harmful habit.
At the end of the workshop, the students’ questions were answered, which reflected the great interest of the university students in general and the College of Pharmacy students in particular, and their prominent role in helping to quit smoking and the distinguished efforts towards a smoke-free university.