An Advanced Workshop in Building Mobile Applications for "Amman Arab University" Students
The Deanship of Student Affairs / Career Guidance and Alumni Follow-up Office at Amman Arab University, in cooperation with the College of Computer Science and Informatics at the University, held a training workshop entitled "Building Web mobile applications using flutter development platform" presented by one of the graduates of the college, Engineer Laheeb Al-Abadi. The implementation of that workshop came as one of the training workshops that the office is implementing within the student's skills portfolio, qualifying the student for the labor market. The workshop aimed to learn the step-by-step basics of Flutter and Dart, how to make Flutter app look natural on iOS, Android, and the web, how to publish iOS and Android apps to the App Store and Google Play Store, learn how to upload images, and how to send push notifications. Manual and automatic, searching for packages and using them to expand functionality and knowing the basic structure of the Flutter application, in addition to how to use the free Visual Studio Code editor to create the Flutter application. At the end of the workshop, the trainer answered the students' questions and inquiries.