Discussing ways of Cooperation between "Amman Arab University" and the Embassy of the Sultanate of Oman
President of Amman Arab University, Prof. Mohamad Al-Widyan, met in his office with His Excellency the Chargé d’Affairs of the Embassy of the Sultanate of Oman in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, Sheikh Faisal Al-Hosani, in the presence of the Assistant President of the University for Financial and Administrative Affairs, Ms. Nadia Al-Qdimat, Dr. Wafaa Al-Eid, Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences, and Dr. Mutib Al-Otaibi, a faculty member at College of Arts and Sciences, Dr. Mohamed Nassar, Director of the E-Learning Center, and Dr. May Al-Shaikhli, Director of the Consultation and Training Center at the University.
During the meeting, Prof. Al-Widyan reviewed the establishment of the Amman Arab University, the faculties and majors available at the University, the academic programs it offers, as well as the partnerships that the University enjoys with national institutions and companies and international universities with the aim of providing university workers and students with the necessary experiences, knowledge and skills, stressing the university's keenness to extend bridges of cooperation with various agencies and institutions and enhancing aspects of cooperation in order to improve the educational and learning opportunities available to everyone. Prof. Al-Widyan focused on the forms of cooperation between the two sides and the majors offered by the Amman Arab University in all its faculties and the majors offered by the Amman Arab University in all its faculties, and the majors that are of interest to Omani students wishing to enroll in studies in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan in general and the Amman Arab University in particular, praising the deep Jordanian-Omani relations rooted in history between the two countries, the wise leaderships and the two brotherly peoples.