I am pleased to welcome you at the department of Mathematics at Amman Arab University, which was launched in the academic year 2015/2016, as a necessary field locally, nationally, and internationally.
Mathematics has a prominent status among natural, humanistic, and social sciences that enter all knowledge and sciences fields including numbers, calculation, engineering, and problem solving. Beside it is role to create an easier life.
This department provides a BA program in Mathematics where by students study according to a modern and comprehensive study plan, in order to develop their scientific knowledge and basic skills of various fields. Department of Mathematics is one of the leading departments at the level of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences. Teaching staff is includes qualified and experienced instructors who work as a combined team in order to achieve purposes of the faculty effectively.
We hope that this is your actual gateway to our department, in order to build our knowledge able community.
Dr. Ali Jaradat
Acting Head of math department
About the Bachelor of Mathematics
The Department of mathematics at Amman Arab University was established in the academic year 2015/2017. The Department is distinguished at regional and international levels.
The Department includes a number of prominent academic stuff who hold Ph.D. degrees from high-ranking universities. The department also offers pure and applied mathematical courses in addition to other supportive courses of other faculties.
This Department provides a comprehensive academic environment of various scientific and practical fields as requirements of basic skills in numerous fields. The academic staff is seeking for promoting the students academically and vocationally, providing them with mathematical skills, general education and self-learning skills. The department also direct students toward the right and creative thinking by the participation and interaction between the students and academic stuff.
Entrepreneurship and distinction in the quality of teaching and learning, scientific research and community service at local and regional levels.
Preparing qualified and distinguished graduates to meet the needs of the local and regional community, by local and international quality criteria.
Program Mission:
Preparing qualified and distinguished graduates to meet the needs of the local and regional community, through qualified cadres capable of keeping pace with local and international criteria by the e-learning integration criteria.
Educational Program Objectives:
- Preparing professionals in mathematics equipped with mathematical knowledge and scientific skills.
- Assisting students to deal with mathematical problems and find solutions.
- Disseminating a mathematics culture as a free critical, and analytical ideology in the university and community.
- Enhancing the scientific attitudes of students and fostering interest in graduate studies.
Educational Program Outcomes:
The intended results of this program are to prepare graduates who are able to:
- A systematic understanding of theories, knowledge, and skills acquired in mathematics and statistics, as well as recent scientific advancements in this field.
- Mastery of mathematical and statistical skills and tools to solve problems.
- Demonstrating specialized and conceptual skills in mathematics and statistics.
- The ability to organize and manage specialized projects in mathematics and statistics effectively
- The ability to transform real-life situations into mathematical and statistical concepts and methods, applying personal and creative skills across different life domains.
Educational Program Objectives:
- Preparing professionals in mathematics equipped with mathematical knowledge and scientific skills.
- Assisting students to deal with mathematical problems and find solutions.
- Disseminating a mathematics culture as a free critical, and analytical ideology in the university and community.
- Enhancing the scientific attitudes of students and fostering interest in graduate studies.
Students Outcomes (SOs):
- A systematic understanding of theories, knowledge, and skills acquired in mathematics and statistics, as well as recent scientific advancements in this field.
- Mastery of mathematical and statistical skills and tools to solve problems.
- Demonstrating specialized and conceptual skills in mathematics and statistics.
- The ability to organize and manage specialized projects in mathematics and statistics effectively
- The ability to transform real-life situations into mathematical and statistical concepts and methods, applying personal and creative skills across different life domains.
Matrix of correlation of program objectives and educational outcomes
PEOs | SOs |
PEO1 | 1,2,4 |
PEO2 | 2,3,4,6 |
PEO 3 | 2,6,7 |
PEO4 | 5,6,7 |
PEO5 | 1 |
PEO6 | 5,6,7 |

Number | Documentation | Abstract |
1 | هيري، عماد متعب، (2011). أثر استخدام طريقة التعلم البنائي في تنمية مهارات ما وراء المعرفة لدى تلاميذ الصف السابع الأساسي في الرياضيات: بحث مشترك / باحث أول / مقبول للنشر في المجلة التربوية لكلية التربية/ جامعة عين شمس/ العدد (35) الجزء (2) لسنة 2011، مصر. | Download |
2 | الزهيري، عماد متعب، (2011). تقويم أسئلة مناهج الرياضيات للصفوف (5-8) من مرحلة التعليم الأساسي في اليمن. بحث منفرد منشور في مجلة كلية التربية/ جامعة عين شمس، العدد (35) الجزء (3)، مصر. | Download |
3 | الزهيري، عماد متعب (2011). تقويم أداء الطالب المعلم في برنامج التربية العملية في كلية التربية – جامعة صنعاء من وجهة نظر مدراء المدارس الأساسية. بحث منفرد منشور في مجلة الباحث الجامعي/ جامعة إب / العدد (28). اليمن.2 | Download |
Number | Documentation | Abstract |
1 | Mustafa, J.M. and Qoqazeh, H.A. (2012). Supra D-sets and Assoiated Seperation Axioms, International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathmatics. 80(5), 657-663. | Download |
Number | Documentation | Abstract |
1 | الزهيري، عماد متعب ، احمد الكوكباني .(2013). أثر استخدام طريقة التعلم البنائي في تحصيل طلاب الصف الثاني الثانوي في الرياضيات. بحث مقبول للنشر في المجلة العلمية لكلية التربية جامعة ذمار العدد (14). | Download |
2 | الزهيري، عماد متعب ، احمد الكوكباني .(2013). أثر استخدام طريقة التعلم البنائي في تحصيل طلاب الصف الثاني الثانوي في الرياضيات. بحث مقبول للنشر في المجلة العلمية لكلية التربية جامعة ذمار العدد (14). | Download |
3 | M Almousa, A Ismai (2013), Optimal homotopy asymptotic method for solving the linear Fredholm integral equations of the first kindl - Abstract and Applied Analysis. | Download |
4 | M Almousa, A Ismai (2013),SOLUTION OF TWO-DIMENSIONAL FREDHOLM INTEGRAL EQUATIONS OF THE FIRST KIND BY USING OPTIMAL HOMOTOPY ASYMPTITIC METHOD. MST Almousa, AIM Ismail - International Journal of Research and Reviews in Applied Sciences. | Download |
Number | Documentation | Abstract |
1 | غادة محمد سلام و عماد متعب الزهيري (2014). درجة توافر الكفايات التعليمية لدى معلمي الرياضيات في ليبيا وعلاقتها بالمؤهل التربوي. بحث مقبول للنشر في مجلة الزرقاء للبحوث والدراسات الانسانية. | Download |
2 | Almousa, M., Ismail, A. (2014). Numerical solution of Fredholm-Hammerstein integral equations by using optimal homotopy asymptotic method and homotopy perturbation method. AIP Conference Proceedings 1605, 90 doi: 10.1063/1.4887570 | Download |
3 | Almousa, M., Ismail, A., & Rashid, A. (2014). A numerical method for solving Urysohn type integral equations. International Journal of Mathematical Analysis, Vol. 8, no. 23. | Download |
4 | Almousa, M., & Ismail, A., (2014). Exact solutions for systems of linear and nonlinear Fredholm integral equations by using optimal homotopy asymptotic method. Far East Journal of Mathematical Sciences (FJMS), Volume 90, no. 2, 187-202 | Download |
5 | Almousa, M., & Ismail, A., (2014). Equivalence between homotopy perturbation method and Adomian decomposition method in solving two-dimensional linear Fredholm integral equations. AIP Conference Proceedings 1635, 45; doi: 10.1063/1.4903561 | Download |
6 | Almousa, M., & Ismail, A., (2014). The solution of high dimensional Fredholm integral equations using homotopy perturbation method. AIP Conference Proceedings 1635, 52 doi: 10.1063/1.4903562. | Download |
Number | Documentation | Abstract |
1 | الزهيري عماد متعب (2015). الرياضيات مناهجها وطرق تدريسها. كتاب تحت الطبع، مؤسسة الوراق للنشر والتوزيع، عمان. | Download |
2 | Almousa, M., Ismail, A. (2015). A comparison between solving of two-dimensional nonlinear Fredholm integral equations of the second kind by the optimal homotopy asymptotic method and homotopy perturbation method. Walailak Journal of Science and Technology (WJST), Vol 12, no. 1. | Download |
Number | Documentation | Abstract |
1 | M Almousa (2016), Semi-analytic algorithms for high dimensional integral equations. AIP Conference Proceedings. | Download |
2 | M Almousa, A Ismai (2016), The solutions of three-dimensional Fredholm integral equations using Adomian decomposition method. M Almousa - AIP Conference Proceedingsa | Download |
Number | Documentation | Abstract |
1 | Al-zuhairi, Imad & Ghada Mohammad Sallam, (2017): The Availability Degree of Math Teachers Learning Competencies and its Relationship with Attitudes towards their Professions in Libya. Al-Fatih Journal, university of Diyala, Iraq, No. (69), (1-33). | Download |
2 | Al-zuhairi, Imad & Ghada Mohammad Sallam, (2017): The Availability Degree of Math Teachers Learning Competencies and its Relationship with Attitudes towards their Professions in Libya. Al-Fatih Journal, university of Diyala, Iraq, No. (69), (1-33). | Download |
3 | Almousa, M., and Ogilat, O.N. (2017). A new approach for solution of linear time-delay integral equations via Z-decommission method. Far East Journal of Mathematical Sciences. Volume 102, Issue 11, P 2551-2561 | Download |
4 | M. A. Khamsi and S. A. Shukri, (2017): Generalized CAT(0) spaces. Bulletin of the Belgian Mathematical Society - Simon Stevin, Vol. ( 24), No. ( 3), (417-426). | Download |
5 | Hamza Qoqazeh, Hasan Hdeib and Emad Abu Osba'. (2017). On D-Metacompactness in Bitopological Spaces, Jordan Journal of Mathematics and Statistics (JJMS) 11(4), 2018, pp 345-361. | Download |
Number | Documentation | Abstract |
1 | Hamza Qoqazeh, Hasan Hdeib and Emad Abu Osba'. (2018). On Metacompactness in Bitopological Spaces, International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathmatics. 119(1), 191-205. | Download |
2 | Al-Qudah, Y. and Hassan, N. 2018. Complex multi-fuzzy soft set: Its entropy and similarity measure. IEEE Access 6(1): 65002-65017. | Download |
3 | Al-Qudah, Y. and Hassan, N. 2018. Complex multi-fuzzy relation for decision making using uncertain periodic data. International Journal of Engineering & Technology 7 (4): 2437-2445. | Download |
4 | S. A. Shukri, V. Berinde and A. R. Khan, (2018): Fixed points of discontinuous mappings in uniformly convex metric spaces. Fixed Point Theory, Vol. ( 19), No. (1), (397-406). | Download |
5 | S. A. Shukri and A. R. Khan, (2018): Best proximity points in partially ordered metric spaces, Advances in Fixed Point Theory, Accepted. | Download |
Number | Documentation | Abstract |
1 | M Almousa. (2019), Solution of Second Order Initial- Boundary Value Problems of Partial Integro-Differential Equations by using a New Transform: Mahgoub Transform, European Journal of Advances in Engineering and Technology 5 (10), 802-805. | Download |
2 | Al-Qudah, Y. and Hassan, N. 2019. Complex multi-fuzzy soft expert set and its application. International Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science 14(1): 149–176. | Download |
3 | Al-Qudah, Y., Hassan, M. and Hassan, N. 2019. Fuzzy parameterized complex multi-fuzzy soft expert set theory and its application in decision making. Symmetry 11(3): 358. | Download |
4 | Hassan, N. and Al-Qudah, Y. 2019. Fuzzy Parameterized Complex Multi-Fuzzy Soft Set. Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 1212 ( 012016). | Download |
5 | Al-Qudah, Y. and Hassan, N. 2019. Fuzzy Parameterized Complex Multi-Fuzzy Soft Expert Sets. AIP Conference Proceedings 2111, 020022. | Download |
6 | Al-Qudah, Y. and Hassan, N. 2019. Mapping on Complex Multi-Fuzzy Soft Expert Sets. Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 1212 ( 012019). | Download |
Number | Documentation | Abstract |
1 |
| Download |
2 | Almousa, M., Al-zuhairi, I., Al-Qudah, Y., & Qoqazeh, H. (2020), Solution of Heat and Wave Equations using Mahgoub Adomian Decomposition Method. International Advance Journal of Engineering Research (IAJER) Volume 3, Issue 1 (January- 2020), PP 07-11 | Download |
3 | Al-Zuhairi, I., Al-Qudah, Y., Chammam, W., Khalaf, M., El Moasry, A., Qaqazeh, H., & Almousa, M. (2020). Fuzzy Parameterized Complex Multi-Fuzzy Soft Expert Set in Prediction of Coronary Artery Disease. Journal of Progressive Research in Mathematics, 16(4), 3133-3157. Retrieved from | Download |
4 | Al zuhairi, Imad M. & Mohanad Madher Sari, (2020): Content Analysis of Mathematics Books of The Intermediate Stage in Iraq in The Light of The National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Standards (NCTM). Amman Arab University Journal, Human Resources Department F096-1, Rev. a Ref.: Deans' Council Session (13/2018-2019), Decision No.: 15, Date: 10/12/2018 4-9 Volume (4), Issue (1), 18183-22 | Download |
Number | Documentation | Abstract |
1 | Atoom, A., Qoqazeh, H., & Alkishik, N. A. (2021). LINDELÖF PERFECT FUNCTIONS. JP Journal of Geometry and Topology, 26(2), 91–101. doi:10.17654/gt026020091 | Download |
2 | Ali Atoom, Hamza Qoqazeh, Yousef Al-Qudah, Ali Jaradat, Nabeela Abu Alkishik, Pairwise Lindelo perfect functions, J. Math. Comput. Sci., 11 (2021), 7634-7648. | Download |
3 | ALI JARADAT, ABDALLAH AL-HUSBAN (2021). THE MULTI-FUZZY GROUP SPACES ON MULTI-FUZZY SPACE, Journal of Mathematical and Computational Science, (2021). | Download |
4 | ALI ATOOM, HAMZA QOQAZEH, YOUSEF AL-QUDAH, ALI JARADAT, NABEELA ABU ALKISHIK (2021). ON D-COMPACT TOPOLOGICAL SPACES, Journal of Mathematical and Computational Science, (2021). | Download |