Under the Auspices of Her Highness Princess Basma bint Ali bin Nayef, an International Symposium on the Role of Organizations in Achieving Sustainable Development at Amman Arab University
Amman - Experts and academics stressed the need to work to spread the concepts of sustainable development, which focus on multiple topics and themes of concern to humanity, including poverty eradication, hunger eradication, good health and well-being, quality education, gender equality, clean water and sanitation, clean and affordable energy. Decent Work and Economic Growth Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure Reducing Inequalities Sustainable Cities and Communities Sustainable Production and Consumption Climate Action Life Under Water Life on Land Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions Partnerships for the UN Goals Hoping to achieve it in 2030 globally.
This came during the activities of the international symposium on the role of organizations in achieving sustainable development emanating from the activities of the Arab Council for Sustainable Development, which was held at the Amman Arab University. In addition to Her Highness Princess Basma Bint Ali, the sponsor of the symposium was attended by Prof. Abdul Rahim Al-Hunaiti, Assistant Secretary-General of the Association of Arab Universities. And a number of their Excellences, experts and academics concerned with everything related to sustainable development from several local and international organizations and a number of public and private Jordanian universities.
Prof. Mohamad Al-Widyan, Chair of the Sustainable Development Council and President of Amman Arab University, confirmed during his speech at the opening of the symposium that the attendance of Her Highness Princess Basma bint Ali bin Nayef to the qualitative global symposium on the role of organizations in achieving sustainable development will give it great importance and a distinctive national dimension, appreciating her humanitarian stances and great contributions. Locally, regionally and internationally as Goodwill Ambassador of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations for the Near East and North Africa.
Prof. Al-Widyan indicated that holding such seminars at Amman Arab University on the most important current issues comes within its activities and in realization of its vision, mission and national role in cooperation with other societal sectors by providing our students with various intellectual, political and social trends.
He explained that the concept of "sustainable development" gradually emerged to become, at present, the main goal and goal of the United Nations and civil society, as countries and policy makers finally recognized that the situation The current environmental degradation seriously threatens the survival of humanity, and it is expected that the goals and objectives of sustainable development will be achieved by 2030, so there are concerted global efforts, vitality, and tireless work in order to achieve these goals. In order to facilitate the realization of these goals, localization procedures and prioritization are welcomed and encouraged by countries, institutions and societies.
For his part, Prof. Abdul Rahim Al-Hunaiti, Assistant Secretary-General of the Association of Arab Universities, referred to the pioneering role of the Association of Arab Universities towards the values of social responsibility in building partnerships and networking to serve the goals of sustainable development at the local, regional and international levels, as universities are an important part in building global and regional partnerships in order to achieve development goals.
And he indicated that many of the member Arab universities in the federation have expressed their support for the efforts and initiatives undertaken by the United Nations in this regard, as indicated in the 2023 plan, He said that Amman Arab University is one of the first universities in adopting the sustainable development goals endorsed by the United Nations and adopted by all member states of the United Nations as a global call to work to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure that all people enjoy peace and prosperity by 2023, as the university hosts the Arab Council For sustainable development, it is one of the Arab councils emanating from the Association of Arab Universities, which was created by a decision of the Executive Council of the 53rd session of the General Conference that was held during the period 14-15/11/2021. The establishment of the council comes to consolidate the mission of the Association of Arab Universities in supporting and coordinating the efforts of Arab universities.
During the symposium, several sessions were held during which a number of researchers and experts spoke on several topics that dealt with the role of local and international organizations in achieving the goals of sustainable development, introducing the Arab Council for Sustainable Development, in addition to the role of universities specifically in achieving the goals of sustainable development.
It is worth noting that the Amman Arab University has worked and is still working on documenting voluntary contributions to the sustainable development goals, linking universities, organizations and projects to facilitate cooperation, and building a community of practice on the sustainable development goals, as the sustainable development goals provide us with a globally recognized framework and a common language for facing challenges. Collaboratively Global”, and the Voluntary University Review highlights research, teaching, learning and service activities in universities that contribute to all of the Sustainable Development Goals. The Voluntary University Review includes input from faculty, researchers, scholars, staff, students, centers, institutes and other campus units.