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Amman Arab University Opens Opportunities for Excellent Jordanian Students

جامعة عمان العربية تفتح آفاق التميز للطلبة الأردنيين المتفوقين في الشهادات الدولية


Amman Arab University Opens Opportunities for Excellent Jordanian Students

Amman Arab University has approved special scholarships for Jordanian students with prestigious international high school diplomas like IB and IG. This initiative reflects the university's commitment to academic excellence and attracting talented students.

President Dr. Mohammed Al-Wadyan noted that these scholarships provide essential support for higher education in a creative environment. Students scoring 90% or above will receive an additional 20% discount, while those with scores between 80% and 90% will receive a 10% discount.


Dr. Mohammed Nassar encouraged outstanding students to take advantage of this opportunity and apply, offering more details via hotline 0798877440.