“Digital Forensic Evidence" Workshop at Amman Arab University
The Deanship of Student Affairs / Office of Career Guidance and Follow-up of Alumni at Amman Arab University, in cooperation with the College of Computer Sciences and Informatics Sciences at the University, held a training workshop entitled "Digital Forensics", which was presented by a faculty member in the college, Dr. Manar Mezher. The implementation of that workshop is regarded as one of the workshops Training that the office implements within the student’s skills portfolio, which qualifies the student for the labor market. The workshop aimed to clarify the definition of digital forensic science, which is what is meant by digital crime, and then mention the most important theoretical concepts related to digital forensic research, such as: Categories of digital forensic science, its users, stages of obtaining digital evidence and its portability to the criminal court. At the end of the workshop, practical examples of digital forensic tools and their importance to university students and the local community were presented. The students also exchanged questions and suggestions with the trainer about the workshop.