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News & Events

صيدلة "عمان العربية" تنفذ ورشة عمل حول "أدوات البحث العلمي"
  College of Pharmacy at "Amman Arab University" Implements a Workshop on "Scientific Research Tools"   Amman - Based on the…
صيدلة "عمان العربية " ضيفاً على إذاعة الأمن العام
  College of "Amman Arab University" is on Public Security Radio   Amman - Based on the vision of the College of Pharmacy in…
مذكرة تعاون بين "عمان العربية" وجمعية إبداع الخيرية
  A Memorandum of Cooperation between "Amman Arab University" and the Ibdaa Charity Association Amman - Based on the…
جامعة عمان العربية تشارك في حملة 16 يوم لمناهضة العنف ضد المرأة
  Amman Arab University Participates in the 16-Day Campaign to Combat Violence against Women Amman - The Cultural Committee at…