fbpxAcademic Promotion | Amman Arab University
ترقية الدكتور الشقران في "عمّان العربية " إلى رتبة الأستاذية

Dr. Al-Shaqran's Promotion to the Rank of Professor at Amman Arab University

  Dr. Al-Shaqran's Promotion to the Rank of Professor at Amman Arab University Amman - The Council of Deans at Amman Arab…
ترقية الدكتور البوات في "عمّان العربية" الى رتبة استاذ مشارك

Promotion of Dr. Al-Bawat at "Amman Arab University" to Associate Professor

  Promotion of Dr. Al-Bawat at "Amman Arab University" to Associate Professor Amman - The Council of Deans of Amman Arab…
ترقية الدكتور بني حمدان في "عمّان العربية" إلى رتبة الأستاذية

Promotion of Dr. Bani Hamdan at "Amman Arab University" to the Professorship

  Promotion of Dr. Bani Hamdan at "Amman Arab University" to the Professorship Amman - The Board of Deans of Amman Arab…
ترقية الدكتور سلمان أبو لحيه في "عمّان العربية" الى رتبة استاذ مشارك

Dr. Salman Abu Lahih Promoted in "Amman Arab University" to Associate Professor

  Dr. Salman Abu Lahih Promoted in "Amman Arab University" to Associate Professor Amman - Council of Deans of Amman Arab…
ترقية الدكتورة هيام التاج في "عمّان العربية" إلى رتبة الأستاذية

Dr. Hayam Al-Taj is promoted to the rank of professor at Amman Arab University

  Dr. Hayam Al-Taj is promoted to the rank of professor at Amman Arab University Amman - The Council of Deans of Amman Arab…
ترقية الدكتورة ابتسام صالح في "عمّان العربية " إلى رتبة أستاذ مشارك

Dr. Ibtisam Saleh promoted in "Arabia Oman" to the rank of associate professor

  Dr. Ibtisam Saleh promoted in "Arabia Oman" to the rank of associate professor Amman - The Council of Deans of Amman Arab…