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Amman Arab University Hosts Erasmus+ Induction Day for Jordanian Universities

"عمان العربية" تستضيف اليوم التعريفي لإيراسموس بلس (Erasmus+) للجامعات الأردنية


Amman Arab University Hosts Erasmus+ Induction Day for Jordanian Universities

Amman - Amman Arab University and the Erasmus Plus National Office (Erasmus+) organized a day to introduce the Erasmus Plus program for the Central Region in the presence of Prof. Mohamed Al-Widyan, Ms. Ench Alves, Director of Programs in the European Union Mission, Dr. Ahmed Abu Al-Hejaa, Director of the Erasmus Plus National Office, Prof.Ismail Yamin, Assistant President for Academic Affairs, and Dr. Mohamed Sahouil, Director of the International Office of Foreign Relations

In his speech,Prof. Al-Widyan stressed that Erasmus+ formed a transformative force for the Arab University of Amman, which worked to enable it to enter into important partnerships with prestigious European educational institutions in countries such as (the United Kingdom, Italy, Portugal) through the International Credit Mobility Academic Exchange Program and Capacity Building in the field of Vocational Education and Training (VET) (Professional Diploma in Aviation Safety), which came in cooperation with European universities from Greece, Lithuania and Turkey, in addition to Jordanian educational institutions. The experience of faculty members participating in these projects was an opportunity to expand their horizons and enrich their academic experience. In addition, the impact of this cooperation is not limited to enhancing the quality of education and research at our university, but also in the advancement of knowledge with global standards, as we witnessed tangible results that positively affected Amman Arab University, which reflected positively on the development of infrastructure at the university in line with global developments

In turn, Inch expressed her happiness to participate in the 2023 Introduction Day at Amman Arab University, stressing in her speech that 2022 was a major year for the relationship between the European Union and Jordan, and explained the impact of the Erasmus+ program on the social and economic development of Jordan by enhancing the quality and importance of higher education, vocational training and youth. In her speech, she also stressed the promotion of integration policies in the higher education system, which is part of Erasmus+ priorities for the integration of people with special needs and less fortunate in all fields

On the other hand, the Director of the Erasmus Plus National Office, Dr. Ahmed Abu Al-Heja, reviewed the impact of the program and the size of European-Jordanian cooperation in the field of higher education, as the program enabled Jordanian educational institutions to cooperate with their counterpart institutions in 30 European countries, and more than 6,600 exchange grants were provided to workers and students

The introductory day also included topics of cooperation between organizations and institutions and the activities of Erasmus Mundus, which contribute to adapting the outputs of higher education with the requirements of the global market and technological developments, in addition to capacity-building projects in the field of higher education, vocational and technical education, and youth, in addition to the Academic Mobility Program and the John Monet program. The introductory day included the presentation of some participants their successful experience in obtaining support for the various programs mentioned above

The introductory day also included a presentation of a number of success stories presented by a group of Jordanian academics, including Prof. Fahmy Abu Al-Rab from the Jordanian University of Science and Technology, Dr. Randa Mahasanah from the Hashemite University and Dr. Bhaya Ziad from Tafila Technical University