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A Memorandum of Cooperation between “Amman Arab University” and the Southern Jordan Valley Cultural Forum Association

مذكرة تعاون بين "عمان العربية" وجمعية ملتقى الأغوار الجنوبية الثقافي


A Memorandum of Cooperation between “Amman Arab University” and the Southern Jordan Valley Cultural Forum Association

Amman - Amman Arab University and the Southern Jordan Valley Cultural Forum Association concluded a memorandum of cooperation with the aim of providing additional discounts out of the University’s societal responsibility and providing educational opportunities for the society and in all regions of the Kingdom, specifically students wishing to enroll the University, including children of the Southern Jordan Valley.

The memorandum was signed on behalf of the University by its president, Professor. Mohamad Al-Widyan, and on behalf of the Southern Jordan Valley Cultural Forum Association, its president, Professor. Nayef Al-Hashush, in the presence of: Assistant of the President for Academic Affairs, Professor. Ismail Yamin, Dean of the College of Business, Professor. Hassan Al-Zoubi, Dean of Student Affairs, Professor. Khalid Bani Hamdan, Assistant Dean of Student Affairs, Dr. Alaa Al-Bawat, Dr. Miteb Al-Otaibi, a faculty member in the College of Arts and Sciences, and each of: Dr. Khalaf Nazzal Al-Hashoush and Professor Ahmed. Al-Hashush, Al-Mukhtar Hassan Al-Masha’la, Al-Mukhtar Awda Al-Bawat, Sheikh Musa Al-Mahasna, Al-Sayyid Nasouh Al-Khatib, and Dr. Rawhi Al-Shamalat from the southern Jordan Valley.

Prof. Al-Widyan presented the University’s vision and mission, and an overview of the University’s colleges and its various and unique majors, pointing to the Office of Community Relations and Responsibility, which is unique to Amman Arab University at the level of Jordanian universities, and to the courses approved by the Professional and Technical Skills Development Authority.

In turn, Professor Nayef Al-Hashush said that the university has provided and continues to provide the people of the southern Jordan Valley with many needs that are concerned with strengthening the concept of social responsibility, whether through initiatives at all levels or visits that were unique to Amman Arab University as the first University to launch initiatives in the region, and that the University has become an incubator for the southern Jordan Valley community.