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Amman Arab University and Al-Riyadah Charitable Society Launch a Campaign to Relief Gaza - Palestine

جامعة عمان العربية وجمعية الريادة الخيرية يطلقان حملة إغاثة الأشقاء في غزة - فلسطين


Amman Arab University and Al-Riyadah Charitable Society Launch a Campaign to Relief Gaza - Palestine

Today, Tuesday, 10/17/2023, the campaign to relief the brothers in Gaza - Palestine was launched from Amman Arab University, which was launched by the University in partnership with the Al-Riyadah Charitable Society, in order to collect financial donations to support the families in Gaza as a result of the recent events that befell them. The campaign opened with a blessed opening, with a donation from the university of J.D (12,000) twelve thousand.

The President of Amman Arab University, Professor. Mohammad Al-Widyan, said during the launch of the campaign on behalf of the Chairman of the Board of Trustees, Dr. Omar Mashhour Al-Jazi: It is not hidden from all of us what our brothers in sisterly Palestine have suffered since the Israeli occupation of their land and the attempt to displace them and empty the land to control it and threaten its historical and religious monuments. Prof. Al-Widyan added that the Palestinian people are facing a fierce war in the Gaza Strip from the Israeli military machine, an attack with planes and tanks to kill them, displace them, and attempt to exterminate them. This is witnessed by the comprehensive siege imposed on the city and the extent of the destruction that the Israeli bombing leaves behind every day. He pointed out that the Amman Arab University is faced with this painful suffering to the people of Gaza, today we are calling for the launch of this humanitarian donation campaign based on the humanitarian and fraternal duty and in line with the donation campaigns from various comprehensive sectors and the official support led by His Majesty King Abdullah II Ibn Al Hussein to stand by their side in stopping the war and supporting them in resolving their just cause.

Assistant to the President for Financial and Administrative Affairs, Mrs. Nadia Al-Qadimat, began her speech during the launch of the campaign with the saying of God Almighty in His Wise Book (The parable of those who spend their money in the path of God is that of a seed that grows seven ears, and in each ear there are a hundred seeds, and God multiplies for whom He wills), and added that we are at the Amman Arab University in this great crowd, we stand with pride and pride in what our true religion and the Sunnah of His Noble Prophet dictate to us to support the oppressed and oppressed on earth, and based on our humanitarian duty and fraternal motive, we announce the launch of the relief and donations campaign to support our innocent Palestinian civilian families and brothers who are facing a fierce and unjust war at the hands of the occupying enemy in the Gaza Strip, which resulted in many casualties, martyrs and wounded, in addition to the demolition and destruction of infrastructure, displacing them from their land, attacking health and educational centers, water shortages, and electricity outages.

The Dean of Student Affairs, Professor. Khaled Bani Hamdan, added that this campaign, which comes as a continuation of the stance of Amman Arab University, with all its members and students, in cowardice towards our brothers in occupied Palestine in general and in Gaza in particular, steadfastness, when it is subjected to brutal aggression that does not have mercy on the old or the young unless it gets it from this brutality and aggression, whether in the number of martyrs, the injured, or those displaced from their homes that were demolished by the brutal Israeli war machine. He also stressed the continuation of such stances and solidarity from the university’s members and students in all circumstances with the people in Gaza until the siege on them is lifted.

In a video call from the sisterly State of Kuwait, a faculty member at the Faculty of Sharia at Amman Arab University and a former member of its Board of Trustees, Dr. Ahmed Al-Shiha, spoke, appreciating the role of Jordan’s leadership, government and people in supporting the brothers and that the people of Jordan are always closest to Palestine, pointing to the huge crowds of Jordanians who gather in support of the brothers, calling on the university family to donate generously to this campaign, saying that the leadership, government and people of Kuwait share the suffering of the people of Palestine and stand by them.

In turn, the director of the meeting, Dr. Murad Shakib, directed his speech to all attendees, calling on God Almighty to lift this dark cloud over our steadfast people in Gaza and to have mercy on their martyrs and heal their patients. He called on all members of Amman Arab University, from the Board of Directors, members of the teaching and administrative bodies, and students, to extend a hand help for our brothers in Palestine in general and Gaza in particular, in line with the words of our noble Messenger, peace and blessings be upon him, when he said (The example of the believers in their mutual love and compassion is like the body. If one limb complains of it, the rest of the body responds to it with sleepless nights and fever).

We note that the campaign will continue for days at the University campus in partnership with the Al-Reyadah Charity Association. ** To view the video of the event, follow the following link: Click Here