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Amman Arab University Celebrates the Graduation of the 13th Batch of Bachelor’s Students and the 23rd Batch of Postgraduate Students

 جامعة عمان العربية تحتفل بتخريج الفوج (13) من طلبة البكالوريوس والفوج (23) من طلبة الدراسات العليا


Amman Arab University Celebrates the Graduation of the 13th Batch of Bachelor’s Students and the 23rd Batch of Postgraduate Students.

Since its inception, Amman Arab University has spared no effort, over the years, to achieve the desired distinction with all confidence and determination. It was and still is a model of solid University teaching and an example to be followed in raising the adequacy of the learning and teaching processes, thus occupying a prominent position among Jordanian and Arab universities to achieve internationalism, God Almighty willing. The University has taken firm steps to obtain local accreditation for all of its diverse, comprehensive academic programs that are compatible with the needs of the community and the local and Arab labor market.

With these words, the sponsor of the Amman Arab University graduation ceremony and Chairman of its Board of Trustees, Dr. Omar Mashhour Haditha Al-Jazi, began his speech that he delivered during the ceremony in which a group of Amman Arab University students graduated, representing the (13) cohort of bachelor’s students and (23) of alumni students at the Cultural Palace - Al-Hussein Youth City, which began with the Royal Salute and fragrant verses from the Holy Qur’an recited by student Muhammad Jameel Al-Shami.

Dr.Al-Jazi added, saying: Amman Arab University is seeking in the future, within a clear plan, to obtain international accreditations for its programs, as the University has been able, thanks to its management and its teaching and administrative staff, to achieve high ranks in various local and international classifications, and it is a source of pride and pride that our University has attained this distinguished academic status. The fruits of which we reap at the graduation ceremony of this new group of our sons and daughters who are proud of their identity and affiliation, strengthened by national values. During his speech, Dr. Al-Jazi thanked the fathers and mothers of the alumni who gave a lot for their children so that today they could be in their happiest moments and full of their splendor and excellence, so that their tears and hearts raced with joy and rejoicing over their children.

Professor. Mohamad Al-Widyan, President of the University, expressed during his speech his thanks to everyone who attended this joyful ceremony. He spoke, saying: Expressions are almost insufficient and words are almost insufficient to express our thanks and appreciation for this good gathering and the bright faces that illuminated the celebration and whose lights shone in this place, from the families of the graduates and their friends, the Honorable, the Excellences, the dignitaries and personalities from the diplomatic corps, the civil and military sectors, and representatives of official and private bodies, who endured the hardship of long distances and shortened their time to share with us this solemn celebration.

Prof. Al-Widyan added that we are all aware of the great efforts that Jordan is making with the support of His Majesty King Abdullah II Ibn Al-Hussein and his royal directives so that Jordan becomes a beacon in the field of public education and higher education, especially by preparing an effective emerging generation capable of taking responsibility, to meet its needs and the needs of its society. Perhaps Amman Arab University has embodied that image that was drawn by His Majesty the Leader, and has made its way forward. We have dedicated our efforts and harnessed our energies and available capabilities to carry the responsibility for achieving its mission and goals. We have worked and will do everything in our power to preserve its achievements and advance them through joint efforts among all administrative and faculty members.

With your efforts, you are the Chairman of its Board of Trustees and distinguished members of the Council, and we at this University believe that our objectives are achievable and that our future will be bright, God willing.

In turn, the Dean of Student Affairs, Professor. Khaled Bani Hamdan, welcomed the audience and said: Every year we celebrate the graduation of a group of students from Amman Arab University, and we bring this group to the homeland. They, God willing, are guides to those who have been guided by them, people of wisdom and good advice, and possessors of modern sciences that keep pace with the development taking place in All types of sciences and aspects of life, hoping that they will be builders that we are proud of and we are happy for them to understand the fruits of the tireless effort of all our qualified teaching and administrative staff in our university, which is distinguished by its scientific and extracurricular programs and its creative societal role, adding that Amman Arab University always seeks to achieve the vision of the Hashemite leadership in enhancing the capabilities of youth. And investing in their knowledge in building our dear homeland.

The speech given to the graduating students by Bayan Adeeb, a graduate of the College of Engineering/Department of Architectural Engineering, described the mixed feelings between the end of the long journey throughout Amman Arab University and the beginning of a path for a new journey towards achieving dreams and ambitions. We, the alumni, pledge to ourselves and to these groups that We are making every effort to be the drivers of change that contribute to building a more advanced and brighter society. She added that we all stand by the vision of His Majesty the Lord of the country, King Abdullah II Ibn Al-Hussein, and are enlightened by his lofty directives in his saying (I firmly believe that every Jordanian deserves the opportunity that enables him to... To learn and create, to succeed, to excel, and to reach the highest levels, with faith, courage, and poise that sees no limit to knowledge and no end to giving.

At the end of the ceremony, Dr. Omar Al-Jazi handed over certificates to the graduating students, in addition to awards of appreciation to the top students.