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President of AAU Visits Orphans Fund Development Corporation

President of AAU Visits Orphans Fund Development Corporation

Professor Mohamad Al-Widyan, President of AAU, visited Orphans Fund Development Corporation and met Mr. Abdul Raheem Al-Hazaymeh, Director of the corporation, attended by Dr.Thahir Al-Qurashi-a faculty member at Business School and Mr. Awwad Al-Quraisat –  General Director Assistant.

During the meeting, they discussed means of cooperation and the significant aspects to cooperate in all fields between both parties. Professor Al-Widyan presented vision and mission of the University and an overview of faculties and majors at the University.
This visit represents the endeavor of the University to communicate with vital community organizations to fulfill the University social responsibility.

At the end of the meeting, Professor Al-Widyan presented an honor shield to his excellency Mr. Al-Hazaymeh, appreciating the human role of the corporation.