fbpxRenewal of the Cooperation Agreement between Amman Arab University and the Forum for Training and Empowering Women and Children | Amman Arab University

Renewal of the Cooperation Agreement between Amman Arab University and the Forum for Training and Empowering Women and Children

تجديد اتفاقية تعاون بين "عمان العربية" ومنتدى تدريب وتمكين المرأة والطفل


Renewal of the Cooperation Agreement between Amman Arab University and the Forum for Training and Empowering Women and Children

Amman Arab University and the Forum for Training and Empowering Women and Children have renewed their cooperation agreement in the field of training and consulting, aiming to accredit training courses and professional diplomas, and to organize academic activities and events that will be mutually agreed upon later. The agreement was signed by the University’s President, Professor Dr. Mohammad Al-Widayan, and the Forum’s Deputy, Dr. Hayat Al-Masimi, in the presence of Dr. Sana’a Abu Layl and Ms. Umayma Al-Akhras, members of the Forum, and from the University, Ms. Nadia Al-Qademat, Assistant to the President for Financial and Administrative Affairs, Professor Dr. Rania Abu Hweij, Dean of the Faculty of Pharmacy, Dr. Ahood Al-Khasawneh, Dean of the Faculty of Business, Professor Dr. Suheila Bnatt, faculty member from the Faculty of Educational and Psychological Sciences, Ms. Mai Jaradat, Director of the University’s Consulting and Training Center, and Mr. Anas Kaso, Assistant Director of the Media and Public Relations Department.

In this regard, Dr. Al-Widayan stated that the signing of such agreements is part of a series of agreements and memorandums of cooperation and understanding that Amman Arab University, through its Consulting and Training Center, establishes with reputable expert institutions. These agreements aim to activate the University's role in training youth to acquire scientific knowledge, develop their skills, and support public and private institutions by enhancing the efficiency of employees.

For her part, Dr. Al-Masimi, the Forum’s Deputy, expressed the Forum’s happiness with the partnership with Amman Arab University due to the University's distinguished and prestigious position among local and regional universities, particularly its role in empowering youth and women in the labor market. She added that the Forum is characterized by its volunteer spirit in conducting courses for youth and guiding university students, especially in the family-related aspects.

This agreement comes within the framework of Amman Arab University’s efforts to network with institutions concerned with training, utilizing the University’s and the institutions’ expertise to serve the local community. The agreement includes several clauses and areas of cooperation, such as providing experienced trainers and offering practical training in specialized institutions for the training programs and courses that include practical aspects.