7th Scientific Conference “International and Peer-reviewed”
“Contemporary Special Education: Future Vision and Challenges” (CSE-2023)
College of Educational and Psychological Sciences
Amman Arab University
Date: April 25-26, 2023
Conference Idea
This year’s 7th scientific conference titled "Contemporary Special Education: Vision and Challenges" is held by the College of Educational and Psychological Sciences at Amman Arab University (AAU)”. This topic is carried out in response to the rapid developments recently perceived in various fields of life, specifically in the field of special education. This encouraged us to be active partners in reflecting reality, so we can in turn reflect, discover, and make recommendations that will have a positive impact on entities interested in educational issues for various parts of society. The conference is an extension of specialized conferences held at the AAU, which is still seeking to highlight its role in community service by supporting leadership and excellence in several fields, particularly supporting people with disabilities and believing in their ability to achieve, create, and innovate, as well as a part of dependable people in the society. Furthermore, it focuses on creativity, creators, and talented people as one of special education categories that has received recent attention, as well as embracing and supporting their ideas to invest these assets in building and developing our society.
Hence, the conference invites specialists, researchers, and those interested in special education topics to share their research and exchange experiences with participants in a scientific event that is open to academics from all over the world.
Important Dates | |
Abstract submission | 2023/2/20 |
Final Paper submission | 2023/4/8 |
Conference dates | 2023/4/26-25 |
Objectives of the Conference:
The 7th international and refereed scientific conference of AAU’s College of Educational and Psychological Sciences aims to investigate researchers' perspectives on addressing emerging challenges in special education by:
- Investigating current global trends in special education.
- Entrepreneurship and creativity in scientific and critical thinking development.
- Encouraging special education researchers and practitioners to invest in and stay current on curricula and teaching methods.
- Emphasizing the importance of psychological, educational, and family counseling in assisting people with disabilities, gifted individuals, and their families.
- Investigating the reality and current scientific trends in the field of special education.
- Seeking to improve the quality of university programs for preparing and qualifying special education teachers, as well as learning outcomes.
- Exploring the future of special education within the local and global education system.
- Integrating the roles of general education and family on one side, and special education on the other side, particularly in the areas of diagnosis, referral, treatment and assessment.
Themes of the Conference:
The following themes are covered by the conference:
- Contemporary teaching methods and strategies for teaching gifted students and persons with disabilities.
- Distance learning & e-learning, as well as the extent to which education technology addresses the challenges facing special education.
- International standards and benchmarks for the identification and classification of special education categories.
- Educational administration and leadership in inclusive educational institutions, special education centers, and excellence & gifted schools.
- Professional ethics, teacher preparation, educational administration, and professional development in special education.
- Evaluating learning outcomes to ensure their quality and obtaining international accreditations.
- The importance of family, educational, and psychological counseling in the field of special education.
- Support services, issues of rehabilitation, and full inclusion: reality and aspirations.
- Laws pertaining to the rights of people with disabilities: Arab and international knowledge.
- Issues with scientific inquiry in the field of special education.
- Innovation, creativity, and entrepreneurship, to serve people with disabilities.
The scientific program includes lectures, presentations of scientific research, and a handicraft exhibition for centers of people with disabilities.
Terms of Participation
- The submitted research should be relevant to one of the conference themes.
- The research should not be published or presented at another conference beforehand.
- The research should adhere to the standards & components of scientific research as well as the APA (7th Edition) rules for publication and citation.
- Use Microsoft Word to prepare the research paper. For Arabic papers, use font size 14 and type Simplified Arabic; for English papers, use font size 12 and type Times New Roman.
- The length of the research paper, including appendices, graphs, and references should not exceed 20 pages.
- The research paper should include keywords and Arabic & English abstracts. Abstracts should not be longer than 250 words.
- All submitted research papers go through a scientific review process, and researchers are sent amendments to follow.
- The research papers will be published in a special book of the conference proceedings.
- The researchers submit a brief CV no longer than five lines along with the completed research paper.
- Research papers are sent via the conference email.
Registration and Fees
- 200 US dollars or equivalent in Jordanian Dinars for researchers and participating faculty members from Jordan and abroad.
- 70 US dollars or equivalent in Jordanian Dinars for university students inside Jordan.
- Fees are paid to the following bank account:
- IBAN No.: JO68 IIBA 1190 0000 0119 0000 0175 00
- Swift Code: IIBAJOAM200
- A participant in more than one scientific research paper pays 50% of the fees for each additional paper.
- A copy of the transfer or payment receipt along with the participant’s name should be sent via the conference email with the name of the participant.
- Participants can get help making hotel reservations if they need.
Additional information:
- The participant is responsible for paying travel and accommodation costs.
- The following is included in the participation fee: a bag, stationery, and lunch for two days.
Conference Committees
Preparation Committee
Preparation Committee | ||
1 | Dr. Heyam Al-Taj | Chair |
2 | Dr. Rami Alshuqran | Co-Chair |
3 | Prof. Odeh Abu Sneineh | Member |
4 | Prof. Suhair Altal | Member |
5 | Prof. Suhaila Banat | Member |
6 | Prof. Intisar Asha | Member |
7 | Dr. Faisal Abdelfattah | Member |
8 | Dr. Marwan Alsmadi | Member |
9 | Dr.Wafaa Aleid | Member |
10 | Dr. Anas Hanandeh | Member |
11 | Dr. Nabil Homedan | Member |
12 | Dr. Samer Ayasrah | Member |
13 | Dr. Radwan Abu saif | Member |
14 | Dr. Nusaiba Almousa | Member |
15 | Dr. Dina Bazadough | Member |
International Consultants Board
International Consultants Board | ||
1 | Prof. Abdulla Oidat | Jordan |
2 | Prof. Mohd-Nazeeh Hamdi | Jordan |
3 | Prof. Jameel Smadi | Jordan |
4 | Prof. Ibrahim Zoraiqat | Jordan |
5 | Prof. Abdulaziz Al-Sartawi | The United Arab Emirates |
6 | Prof. DiliDouili Mansouria | Algeria |
7 | Prof. Rabie Alabzouzi | Algeria |
8 | Prof. Ibrahim Alqarutee | Oman |
9 | Prof. Ibrahim Almoekel | Saudi Arabia |
10 | Prof. Ehab Albiblawi | Egypt |
11 | Dr. Ahmad Hemdan | United Arab Emirates |
12 | Prof. Nemmat Alwan | Palestine |
13 | Dr. Hind Ghadaifi | Algeria |
14 | Dr. Ja’far Abu Sa’ | Palestine |
15 | Dr. Husam Alqasem | Palestine |
16 | Dr. Manal Alqaisi | Palestine |
17 | Dr. Ali Mousa | Tunisia |
18 | Ahmad Sheiha | Kuwait |
Scientific Committee
Scientific Committee | ||
1 | Prof. Adnan Aljadri | Chair |
2 | Prof. Siham Abu Eita | Member |
3 | Prof. Wael Masoud | Member |
4 | Prof. Shatha Alojaili | Member |
5 | Prof. Mohammad Almomani | Member |
6 | Prof. Alia Aloidi | Member |
7 | Dr. Rami Alshugran | Member |
8 | Dr. Heyam Al-Taj | Member |
9 | Dr. Eyad Alshawareb | Member |
10 | Dr. Hussein Altarawneh | Member |
11 | Dr. Abdulla Aldarawsheh | Member |
12 | Dr. Bahjat Abu Suliman | Member |
13 | Dr. Rand Arabyat | Member |
Public Relations and Media Committee
Public Relations and Media Committee | ||
1 | Mr. Waddah Musmar | Chair |
2 | Dr. Khaleel Alfayyoumi | Member |
3 | Dr. Jehad Almomani | Member |
For inquiries, please call or send a message to the following address:
College of Educational and Psychological Sciences, Amman Arab University
Jordan Street, Mubis
Amman 11953, Jordan - P.O. Box 2234
Phone: 00962799024000 , Ext. 473 or 207
Conference secretary: Abeer Inbeh / Rasha Mismar
Cell phone number:
conference chair: (00962796404263)
Anas Hanandeh: (00962785428198)
Abeer Inbeh: (00962792241219)
Email: seconf23@aau.edu.jo
University Website: www.aau.edu.jo
To download the conference Press Here