Bachelor of Pharmacy students at Amman Arab University Discuss their Research Projects
In order to enhance the culture of research and innovation and to encourage Amman Arab University students to be interested in research and critical analysis of current pharmaceutical problems, Professor. Rana Abu Haweij, Dean of the Faculty of Pharmacy at Amman Arab University, discussed with the Bachelor of Pharmacy students their research projects, which were presented in the form of posters summarizing research papers prepared by the students under the supervision of Dr. Samaa Taha/ Assistant Professor of Pharmaceutical Innovation and Biotechnology.
The research projects aimed to apply the theoretical concepts that students learned in the classroom by finding solutions to real problems in the field of the pharmaceutical industry, specifically the use of nanoparticles in the treatment of breast and colon cancer, which is an important and complex topic that requires a deep understanding of pharmaceutical sciences and technology.
This participation comes as part of the efforts of the College of Pharmacy at Amman Arab University to promote scientific research and raise the level of academic and research communication with students and faculty members, and in the interest of the University administration to raise the level of scientific research and critical thinking skills among students.