"Amman Arab University" Holds Specialized Workshops in Accounting for Kafranja Municipality and the Kafranja Association
Amman Arab University/College of Business implemented specialized training courses in the field of accounting for a number of employees of the New Kafranja Municipality and the Kafranja Charitable Association, based on the University’s commitment to the social responsibility it bears in serving the community and networking with it.
A faculty member at the College of Business at Amman Arab University, Dr. Abdullah Al-Assouli, implemented several courses as follows: A course for the New Kafranja Municipality under the title “The Accounting Cycle and the Impact of Applying the Accrual Basis in Municipalities,” directed to members of the financial staff and a number of municipal employees, which dealt with the concepts and basics of the accounting cycle, preparing financial reports and financial statements in municipalities, and a course in the Kafranja Charitable Association under the title “Income and Sales Tax” directed to members of the general and administrative body of the association and a number of members of the local community in the Kafranja district, which dealt with the law amending the income tax law of 2018, which was implemented as of 1 /1/2019, where all provisions of the law and the importance of adhering to the law were discussed.
It is noteworthy that the College of Business at Amman Arab University works within its objectives to build partnerships with local and international institutions and employ them to enrich the educational process and its outcomes.