fbpxFaculty of Business Thsis Directory | Amman Arab University
TitlePublisherYearDownload Link
The Impact of Work Life Quality on Organizational Effectiveness at Jordanian Commercial BanksWala’a Alnawasrah2024
The Impact of Cash Flow Changes on Accounting Conservatism at Industrial Companies Listed on Amman Stock ExchangeWaed Abu-Orabi2024
The Impact of the Social Responsibility Disclosure Level on the Financial Performance at Jordanian Islamic BanksHind Albaqowar2024
The Impact of The Business Intelligence System on Improving Job Performance in Al Rajhi Saudi BankHana Al-Otaibi2024
The Impact of Talent Management on Organizational Ambidexterity: Visionary Leadership as a Moderator at National Electricity CompanyNabat Al-Adwan2024
The Impact of Digital Transformation Projects on Improving Institutional Performance at the Digital Government Authority in the Kingdom of Saudi ArabiaNayef Al-Otaibi2024
The Impact of Cash Flows on Financial Performance: The Mediating Role of Capital Structure Determinants in Jordanian Industrial CompaniesMoumen Shmout2024
The Impact of Human Resource Management Practices on Competitive Advantage at Jordanian Commercial Banks: The Moderating Role of Employee EngagementMalak Batayneh2024
The Impact of Perceived Organizational Support on Job Performance in Saudi Telecommunications Company: The Mediating Role of Employee EngagementMoodi Alotaibi2024
The Impact of Participatory Leadership on Strategic Agility at the Social Security CorporationMunawwar Al-Jaafreh2024