Welcome to the Department of Aircraft Maintenance at the Faculty of Aviation Sciences at Amman Arab University!
The Aircraft Maintenance Department was established in the academic year 2017/2018, the department offers two BSc programs, the aircraft maintenance BSc program (B1), and the Avionics BSc program (B2), each consists of 137 academic credit hours, and both are local accredited by the Jordanian Higher Education Authorities. In addition, the Aircraft Maintenance Department offers qualified professors from the most prestigious universities in the world.
The teaching and administrative staff in the department continuously review and update the curricula and the teaching methods in accordance with the highest quality control standards. The department seeks to communicate continuously with the concerned companies and institutions in order to accomplish projects and applied research. Beside that the curricula is designed in a way that aims to raise the professional and technical competence of students and gain knowledge in the field of specialization, which qualifies the student to work in the relevant companies after graduation easily.
The curricula has been built to provide community with qualified specialists, competent enough to keep abreast with the latest development in aviation sciences combining theory and practice. Students who graduates from the aircraft maintenance will demonstrate understanding of basic science involved in aircraft maintenance activities, theory of operation of aircraft engines and systems. Student will gain the ability to understand written maintenance report and write the appropriate paper work needed by regulatory bodies for aircraft maintenance, also students will get knowledge of regulatory and legal issues impact aircraft maintenance beside the ability to test, inspect, maintain, repair and troubleshoot faults in aircraft systems and engines. Graduates of the department should be able to apply their knowledge in a practical manner using detailed procedures and manufacturer’s instructions.
The Department is keen to participate in conferences and related workshops, which necessarily lead to the transfer of the latest developments in aviation science and reflected on the study plans and continuously. The Department attracts a growing number of students from inside and outside Jordan. The Department of Aircraft Maintenance also prepares students to obtain international licenses in the field of aircraft maintenance such as EASA, European Aviation Safety Agency and JCARC, the Jordanian Civil Aviation Regulatory Commission.
In light of the efforts of the administration of Amman Arab University to obtain international accreditations and licenses for all its specializations, the College of Aviation Sciences has recently obtained the accreditation and licensing of the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) as a training body and a center for conducting EASA exams, this achievement was for both the aircraft maintenance program (B1), the avionics program (B2), and as (Part-147). After achieving all accreditation requirements for aircraft maintenance and avionics sciences.
Recently, the College of Aviation Sciences at Amman Arab University has obtained the membership of the AABI: Aviation Accreditation Board International, as the first in the Arab world and the sixth in the world, the college was accredited as a training institute – educator member of the Council in the field of aviation sciences in the aircraft maintenance bachelor’s program offered by the college since 2018. This achievement was obtained after the college met the expectations of a wide range of quality standards related to the strategic management of resources, the interactions of faculty members and students in the educational process, and the achievement of learning goals to obtain an internationally accredited degree
Acting Head of Aircraft Maintenance Department
The Aircraft Maintenance Program was established in the academic year 2017/2018 with a 137 academic hours and local accreditation from the Jordanian Higher Education Authorities. The Aircraft Maintenance Program provides qualified faculty from the most prestigious universities in the world. The teaching and administrative staff in the program continuously review and update the curricula and teaching methods in accordance with the quality control standards. The program seeks to communicate continuously with the companies and institutions concerned in order to accomplish projects and applied research. Beside that the curricula is designed in a way that aims to raise the professional and technical competence of students and gain knowledge in the field of specialization, which qualifies the student to work in the relevant companies after graduation easily.
The curricula has been built to provide community with qualified specialists, competent enough to keep abreast with the latest development in aviation sciences combining theory and practice.
Students who graduates from the aircraft maintenance will demonstrate understanding of basic science involved in aircraft maintenance activities, theory of operation of aircraft engines and systems. Student will gain the ability to understand written maintenance report and write the appropriate paper work needed by regulatory bodies for aircraft maintenance, also students will get knowledge of regulatory and legal issues impact aircraft maintenance beside the ability to test, inspect, maintain, repair and troubleshoot faults in aircraft systems and engines.
Graduates of the program should be able to apply their knowledge in a practical manner using detailed procedures and manufacturer’s instructions.
In light of the efforts of the administration of Amman Arab University to obtain international accreditations and licenses for all its specializations, the College of Aviation Sciences has recently obtained the accreditation and licensing of the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) as a training body and a center for conducting EASA exams, this achievement was for both the aircraft maintenance program (B1), the avionics program (B2), and as (Part-147). After achieving all accreditation requirements for aircraft maintenance and avionics sciences.
Recently, the College of Aviation Sciences at Amman Arab University has obtained the membership of the AABI: Aviation Accreditation Board International, as the first in the Arab world and the sixth in the world, the college was accredited as a training institute – educator member of the Council in the field of aviation sciences in the aircraft maintenance bachelor’s program offered by the college since 2018. This achievement was obtained after the college met the expectations of a wide range of quality standards related to the strategic management of resources, the interactions of faculty members and students in the educational process, and the achievement of learning goals to obtain an internationally accredited degree
Excellence in the areas of teaching and learning in aircraft maintenance sciences and scientific research locally and regionally.
Preparing distinguished staff in the field of aircraft maintenance sciences equipped with the knowledge, skills and ethics of the profession, to meet the needs of the local and regional community, in accordance with local and international quality criteria.
Program Mission (Bachelor’s Program - Aircraft Maintenance):
Providing a distinguished academic program in the field of aircraft maintenance supported by knowledge, skills and ethics through qualified staff capable of keeping pace with local and regional criteria in accordance with the e-learning inclusion criteria.
Educational Program Objectives (Bachelor’s Program - Aircraft Maintenance):
- Recognizing different aircraft systems.
- Understanding the various phenomena related to aviation.
- Learning the principles of maintaining aircraft engines and their various systems.
- Identifying and distinguishing faults and working to maintain them by applying the relevant regulations and instructions.
- Learning the most appropriate ways to carry out maintenance operations on the aircraft.
Educational Program Outcomes (Bachelor’s Program - Aircraft Maintenance):
The expected outcomes of this program are preparing graduates competent in:
- Explaining the various basic and accelerating sciences and keeping pace with them in the field of aircraft maintenance.
- Clarify the different aircraft systems and engines.
- Applying various aircraft maintenance skills.
- Analyzing and classifying technical problems, dismantling and installing various systems on the aircraft.
- Evaluating problems related to aircraft maintenance and design.
- Preparing the appropriate reports needed by the regulatory bodies for aircraft maintenance.
Mapping of Program Educational Objectives (PEO's) with Students Outcomes (SO's)
Program Educational Objectives (PEOs)
- Recognizing different aircraft systems.
- Understanding the various phenomena related to aviation.
- Learning the principles of maintaining aircraft engines and their various systems.
- Identifying and distinguishing faults and working to maintain them by applying the relevant regulations and instructions
- Learning the most appropriate ways to carry out maintenance operations on the aircraft.
Students Outcomes (SOs)
- Explaining the various basic and accelerating sciences and keeping pace with them in the field of aircraft maintenance.
- Clarify the different aircraft systems and engines.
- Applying various aircraft maintenance skills.
- Analyzing and classifying technical problems, dismantling and installing various systems on the aircraft.
- Evaluating problems related to aircraft maintenance and design.
- Preparing the appropriate reports needed by the regulatory bodies for aircraft maintenance.
Mapping between PEOs and SOs:
PEOs | SOs |
Recognizing different aircraft systems. | Explaining the various basic and accelerating sciences and keeping pace with them in the field of aircraft maintenance. |
Understanding the various phenomena related to aviation. | Clarify the different aircraft systems and engines. |
Learning the principles of maintaining aircraft engines and their various systems. | Applying various aircraft maintenance skills. |
Identifying and distinguishing faults and working to maintain them by applying the relevant regulations and instructions | Analyzing and classifying technical problems, dismantling and installing various systems on the aircraft. |
Learning the most appropriate ways to carry out maintenance operations on the aircraft. | Evaluating problems related to aircraft maintenance and design. Preparing the appropriate reports needed by the regulatory bodies for aircraft maintenance. |
Student Achievement Data | Download |

Number | List of Research Papers | Abstract |
1 | Malek Ali, Projjal Basu, Marwa liwa, M. I. Fadhel, (2012), Comparison between the properties of Al-TiC and Al (TiC+Fe3C+Fe2Ti+Fe) composites, Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering DOI: 10.1007/s13369-012-0480-2. | Download |
2 | Basem Abu Izneid , M I Fadhel , Tareq Al-Kharazi , Malek Ali , Souiyah Miloud, ( 2012), Design and develop a nondestructive infrared spectroscopy instrument for assessment of mango (mangiferaindica) quality, Journal of Food Science and Technology, DOI 10.1007/s13197-012-0880-z | Download |
3 | Basem Abu Izneid, Malek Ali Ibrahim sukar, and Miloud Souiyah, (2012), Development of Wireless Bluetooth Heart Rate Remote Monitoring System, IET International Conference on Wireless Communications and Applications ICWCA Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 8- 10 October 2012. | Download |
4 | MALEK ALI, ALI SAMER MUHSAN , M.I. FADHEL , M.A. ALGHOUL , K. SOPIAN & A. ZAHARIM, (2012), Developments of Al-12Si Alloys by Reinforcing TiN Particles, , 6th WSEAS International Conference on Renewable Energy Sources (RES '12) Portugal, July 1-3, 2012 | Download |
5 | Souiyah Miloud , A. Muchtar , A. K. Ariffin , Malek Ali , M. I.Fadhel, (2012), Finite Element Model of Crack Growth under Mixed Mode Loading, International Journal of Materials Engineering, Vol.2(5), pp 67-74. | Download |
6 | Malek Ali, Marwa Liwa, (2012), Modification of parameters in mechanochemical synthesis to obtain - and -molybdenum disilicide, Advanced Powder Technology Vol. 24, pp183–189. | Download |
7 | Basem Abu Izneid , Miloud Souiyah., M.I.Fadhel, and Malek Ali, (2012), Remote Assessment of Fruit quality using impedance Spectrometry and Fiber Optic Technique, The 3rd International Biotechnology and Biodiversity Conference & Exhibition ,JOHOR, Malaysia, Jun 06-09, 2012. | Download |
8 | Malek Ali, M. I. Fadhel, M. A. Alghoul and K. Sopian, (2012), Synthesis and Characterizationof Aluminum Matrix Composites Reinforced with Various Ratio of TiC for Light Devices, International Conference on Environment, Economics, Energy, Devices, Systems, Communications, Computers, Mathematics (IAASAT),Saint Malo& Mont Saint- Michel, France, April 2-4, 2012 | Download |
Number | List of Research Papers | Abstract |
1 | Al-Assaf, Anwar, (2013), Sound source direction estimation in horizontal plane using microphone array, IEEE | Download |
2 | Al-Assaf, Anwar, (2013), A wireless sensor network design and implementation for vehicle detection, classification, and tracking | Download |
3 | Ali Samer , Malek Ali, Projjal Basu, and Faiz Ahmad, (2013), Developments of Al-12Si Alloys by Reinforcing TiC and TiN Particles, Journal of Engineering Mechanics 10.1061/(ASCE)EM.1943-7889.0000743 | Download |
4 | Malek Ali, Projjal, and Marwa Liwa, (2013), Effect of Mo-Si molar ratio on the Synthesis of MoSi2 through Mechanical Alloying, Synthesis and Reactivity in Inorganic, Metal-Organic, and Nano-Metal Chemistry. DOI:10.1080/15533174.2012.762783 | Download |
Number | List of Research Papers | Abstract |
1 | Malek Ali , Samer Falih, (2014), Synthesis and Characterization of Aluminum Composites Materials Reinforced with TiC Nano- Particles, Jordan Journal of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, Volu. 8 No. 5, pp. 244-250. | Download |
2 | Malek Ali, (2014), Transformation and powder Characteristics of TiO2 during high-energy milling, Journal of Ceramic Processing Research, Vol15, No. 5, pp. 290~293. | Download |
Number | List of Research Papers | Abstract |
1 | Al-Assaf, Anwar, (2015), Increasing the saturated output RF power for RF amplifiers using a passive technique, IEEE | Download |
2 | E. M. Ali, N. Z. Yahaya, N. Perumal and M. A. Zakariya, (2015), DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT OF HARVESTER RECTENNA AT GSM BAND FOR BATTERY CHARGING APPLICATIONS, ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, ©2006-2015 Asian Research Publishing Network (ARPN). All rights reserved. | Download |
3 | Malek Ali, and Zaid Muayaduldeen, (2015), Effect of Milling Duration on powder characterization of (TiO2, and graphite), Journal of Ceramic Processing Research,Vol. 16, No. 5, pp. 1-5. | Download |
Number | List of Research Papers | Abstract |
1 | Al-Assaf, Anwar, (2016), The effect of slip velocity and temperature jump on the hydrodynamic and thermal behaviors of MHD forced convection flows in horizontal microchannels, Springer International Publishing | Download |
2 | EM Ali, NZ Yahaya, N Perumal, MA Zakariya, (2016), Development of Cockcroft‐Walton voltage multiplier for RF energy harvesting applications, Journal of Scientific Research and Development, 2016 | Download |
3 | Malek Ali, (2016), Synthesis and Characterization of Epoxy Matrix Composites Reinforced With Various Ratios of TiC, Jordan Journal of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, Volume 10 Number 4, December.2016 ISSN 1995-6665 Pages 231-237. | Download |
4 | Malik Ali, (2016), Synthesis and Study the Effect of HNTs on Composite Material, World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology International Journal of Materials and Metallurgical Engineering Vol:10, No:2, 2016. | Download |
5 | Malek Ali, Balakumeren Suppiah, and Zaid Muayaduldeen, (2016), Preparation and Corrosion Behavior of Bronze -40%w Composite, JJ. M.I. Eng., Vol. 10 Number 2, pp 141-147. | Download |
Number | List of Research Papers | Abstract |
1 | Mousa Ali, Esraa; Yahaya, Nor Zaihar; Nallagownden, Perumal; Zakariya, Mohd Azman (2017). A novel rectifying circuit for microwave power harvesting system. International Journal of RF and Microwave Computer-Aided Engineering, 27(4), e21083–. doi:10.1002/mmce.21083 | Download |
2 | Ali, E.M. and Yahaya, N.Z. and Perumal, N. and Zakariya, M.A. (2017) Design of microstrip patch antenna at 900 MHz for charging mobile applications. Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, 12 (4). pp. 988-993. | Download |
3 | Malek Ali, Abderraouf GHERISSI, (2017), Synthesis and Characterization of the Composite Material PVA/Chitosan/5% Sorbitol with Different Ratio of Chitosan, International Journal of Mechanical & Mechatronics Engineering IJMME-IJENS Vol:17 No:02. | Download |
Number | List of Research Papers | Abstract |
1 | Al-Assaf, Anwar, (2018), Performance evaluation of DigiMesh and ZigBee wireless mesh networks, IEEE | Download |
2 | Al-Assaf, Anwar, (2018), Effect of Transverse Steady Magnetic Field on MHD Flow Under Free Convection Conditions in Vertical Microchannels, Jordan Journal of Mechanical & Industrial Engineering. | Download |
3 | Ali, Esraa Mousa; Yahaya, Nor Zaihar; Nallagownden, Perumal; Alqasem, Bilal Hasan (2018). Enhanced Dickson voltage multiplier rectenna by developing analytical model for radio frequency harvesting applications. International Journal of RF and Microwave Computer-Aided Engineering, (), e21657–. doi:10.1002/mmce.21657 | Download |
Number | List of Research Papers | Abstract |
1 | Al-Assaf, Anwar, (2019), Hybrid wireless sensor networks: A prototype, Springer, Cham. | Download |
2 | Abderraouf GHERISSI, Malik ALI, (2019), Superficial hardening improvement of nano and micro composite Al TiC, Journal of Silicate Based and Composite Materials. | Download |
3 | Malek Alia, and Abderraouf Gherissia,b, (2019), Synthesis and characterization of Al-SiO2 composites, JOURNAL OF CERAMIC PROCESSING RESEARCH, 2019; 20(3): 259-263 | Download |
Number | List of Research Papers | Abstract |
1 | E. M. Ali, N. Z. Yahaya, A. H. Al Assaf, F. Alasali, A. Patel and B. H. Alqasem, "Analysis and Maximizing RF Harvesting System based on Antenna Shapes for Aviation Applications," 2020 International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Control Technologies (CEECT), 2020, pp. 1-7, doi: 10.1109/CEECT50755.2020.9298585 | Download |
2 | Bilal Alqasem, Surajudeen Sikiru, Esraa Mousa Ali, and others, (2020), Effect of electromagnetic energy on net spin orientation of nanocatalyst for enhanced green urea synthesis, Journal of Materials Research and Technology, Volume 9, Issue 6, 2020, Pages 16497-16512, ISSN 2238-7854, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jmrt.2020.11.053. | Download |
3 | Malek ALI, (2020), Review of Stir Casting Technique and Technical Challenges for Ceramic Reinforcement Particulate and Aluminium Matrix Composite, Journal of Silicate Based and Composite Materials. | Download |
Number | List of Research Papers | Abstract |
1 | Alpesh D. Vala, Amit Patel, Keyur Mahant, Jitendra Chaudhari, Hiren Mewada, and Esra M. Ali, "Corrugated SIW Based Bandpass Filter for Microwave Interferometer and ISM Band Application," Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, Vol. 108, 137-146, 2021. doi:10.2528/PIERC20112702 http://www.jpier.org/PIERC/pier.php?paper=20112702 | Download |
2 | Alasali, F.; Foudeh, H.; Ali, E.M.; Nusair, K.; Holderbaum, W. Forecasting and Modelling the Uncertainty of Low Voltage Network Demand and the Effect of Renewable Energy Sources. Energies 2021, 14, 2151. https://doi.org/10.3390/ en14082151 | Download |
3 | Ali, E.M.; Yahaya, N.Z.; Saraereh, O.A.; Assaf, A.H.A.; Alqasem, B.H.; Iqbal, S.; Ibrahim, O.; Patel, A.V. Power Conversion Using Analytical Model of Cockcroft–Walton Voltage Multiplier Rectenna. Electronics 2021, 10, 881. https://doi.org/10.3390/electronics10080881 | Download |
4 | Mohammad Ismail, Awni H. Alkhazaleh , Jafar Masri , Abdullah Masoud Ali , Malek Ali, (2021), Experimental and Numerical Analysis of Paraffin Waxes during Solidification inside Spherical Capsules, Thermal Science and Engineering Progress. | Download |