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ندوة علمية بعنوان "منشورات بحثية" لطلبة جامعة عمان العربية
  A Scientific Symposium in “Research Publications" for Students of Amman Arab University Department of English Language and…
محاضرة حول "العنف الجامعي" لطلبة عمان العربية
  Lecture on "University Violence” for Student of Amman Arab University Amman Arab University is considered one of the best…
عمان العربية تنظم حفل إفطار الأيتام الثاني
  Amman Arab University Organizes the Second Orphan Iftar Coping with the role of Amman Arab University in community service…
"عمّان العربية" تنظم الإفطار السنوي للأيتام في الحرم الجامعي
  "Amman Arab University" Organizes the Annual iftar for Orphans Amman - In order to consolidate the role of Amman Arab…