Amman Arab University Arranged individual Chess competition championship to enhance personal and athletics skills for the university students
The deanship of students affairs at the Amman Arab University had arranged individual Chess competition under the patronage of the University president Dr. Professor Muhammad Alwedyan. This kind of tournaments aims to improve and enrich the students activities.
Dr. Khalid Bani Hamadan said through the competition opening, he stressed on formation a team for the university in order to participate in a chess competitions at Jordanian universities level, Dr. Bani Hamdan urged the students to take a part in a tournaments like this athletic activities that contribute to improving personal skills and support leisure time for the benefit of students.
The competition witnessed 26 Male and female participant from various faculties and majors. At the end Dr.Bani Hamdan honored the participant winners students, thanked and praised those arranged this distinguished activity, expressing his appreciation for their efforts.