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A Delegation from “Amman Arab University” Visits Mashhour Hadeetha Al-Jazi Center for Creativity

وفد من "عمان العربية" يزور مركز مشهور الجازي للإبداع


A Delegation from “Amman Arab University” Visits Mashhour Hadeetha Al-Jazi Center for Creativity

Amman - Based on Amman Arab University’s belief in social responsibility and its keenness on continuous cooperation with local community institutions, President of Amman Arab University, Professor. Mohamad Al-Widyan, visited the (Mashhour Al-Jazi Creativity Center), in the presence of the Chairman of the University’s Board of Trustees, Dr. Omar Al-Jazi, and Dr. May Al-Shaikhli, Director of the Consulting and Training Center at the University. They met with the center’s director, Mrs. Fatima Al-Jazi, Dr. Samir Al-Sous, the center’s supervisor, the club supervisors and teachers at the center.

During the meeting, more means of cooperation in serving the local community were discussed and the most important aspects through which cooperation can be achieved between the University and the center, in addition to ways to benefit from them in many fields at the level of diplomas and training courses. The director of the center presented many of the center’s achievements and the modern equipment .At the end of the visit, the delegation praised and appreciated the expertise available at the center and the diplomas and courses that the center offers to the local community.

It is worth noting that a joint cooperation agreement was recently signed between Amman Arab University and Mashhour Al-Jazi Center for Creativity to hold a comprehensive educational diploma for women, through which full support will be provided by the Amman Arab University to the center.